Truly A Miracle For Me

As most of you know my boa, Kai, has had a really tough go as it comes to health. He has has a spinal kink 2/3s down his back, which was not visible when I acquired him at 8 months old from a local pet store. He came with a RI and was being fed pinkies mice; only weighing 110 grams. He was diagnosed with that RI three days after purchasing him. It never crossed my mind to go back to the pet store. After he “recovered” from his first RI my reptile vet noticed the kink, and that he has a possible disformation in the inside of his nostrils. Be minded that my dad works in HAVC so he double/triple checked my humidity /temps at this time, and it was/has been in check.

And then a year passed…

He ended up with a another RI, and I treated it, and he recovered…

Some months later, it came back…and was treated and he was fine…

Wracking my brain, a topic came up on here with a sand boa that passed from a RI that was caused by IBD, and it clicked.

So I got him tested for everything including IBD

Waited for 14 days for the results, and he is negative for IBD. And vet agrees that his facial/airway being misshaped is the cause of it all.

And this a miracle for me because I can make sure his humidity is more tune in then tuned in. He and I will not have to go through how IBD can kill, or destroys quality of life. I won’t have to choose between him and starting collecting breeding stock.

This is the outcome that I have been praying for. Thank you for your time reading :heart:


I’m so happy he’s ok! :heart:
Truly a beautiful boa and so glad nothing is majorly wrong with him!!
He will get a long happy life with you 🥲


Congrats on the negative arena result! It’s always such a relief.
Did they test for nido?
I’m assuming UF did your arena test based on the time to results. Was it the general or qpcr?


qpcr I believe. Yes all negative

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I was highlighting the IBD because that is what my vet was most concerned about

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The reason why I bring this up is UF’s qpcr only tests for Geissen. And we’re seeing people who exclusively use qpcr missing golden gate which is also very common in the US.


Thank you the heads up :grin:


I’m glad he’s good and you can keep pursuing your dream of boa breeding. I was a bit worried when I saw the ibd tag but I’m glad he’s okay.

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Thanks I am so thankful. Yeah the tag probably is a little clickbaitly huh?

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I wouldn’t call it clickbaity but I just ended up noticing it.

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I was kidding about it being clickbait, I am just relieved :relieved:

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Very happy Kai is doing well!!!


Thank you :blush:

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So glad the results came back negative, I’m so happy for you both!!


Have no fear, here is the receipt for the test

It matches will what my vet said PCR that came back negative

Adding this because I found the medical receipt.

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I also found out that they didn’t send it to UF because I wanted a PCR not a QPCR. I am so sorry for confusion.

A degenerate pcr should have picked up all the strains.

I was misinformed that UF only did qPCR for geissen only. I was told this by multiple people but looking at UF’s submission form it appears there’s no bias in their selection for which strains to qpcr. This was my mistake for not verifying with the original source.


No problem! That is what this forum is for; getting the best and most reinvent info available. You did scare me though :rofl:
@hare_hollow_farm thank you and it is no big deal :grin: