Unsure about these eggs

When they were first layed I didn’t see veins (I still don’t see them) but the whole egg is more red now than it was. It’s been 34 days since they were layed and there’s also no mold.
It’s the second clutch from this girl
Idk if the picture is even helpful


Keep it in the incubator. I had an egg that I could never visually see anything in but around I think 60 days or so it finally hatched a little baby gecko!


I know it’s hard not to, but try and not take it out or handle it at all.

Incubate until there's no debate

I agree with @reptirix & @erie-herps

Leave it in the incubator and don’t disturb it until it either hatches or goes bad and you know for certain.


what would be a sure sign of it “going bad”?

If it molds and smells bad.


Not all infertile eggs smell or mould. They can still look pretty!
Usually there’s a red cheerio if fertile. And then you’ll see more and more ‘black’ for where the baby is growing.


Pictures of your gecko would be helpful! (Underneath and a side picture) How old is your leopard gecko? Is this one you hatched yourself? (If so, what tempature was it incubated at?). I am no expert at trying to tell gender of leopard geckos. Just have personal experience. :blush:

I’ll go ahead and tag @mblaney so we can have more input from someone more experienced as well!

*edit - I am now seeing the post that was separately made in regards to your request. From the picture you gave, I would say female but… it’s hard to tell as the picture is a bit blurry and your gecko is very young! Maybe a clearer picture would help?


Also, welcome to the community!

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Thank you my friend

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Make sure you only post questions in one place. :wink: Also make sure any posts you make on a thread are relevant to the conversation about the original topic. :wink: (@josh89 )


Funny enough I gave him a message which is why a post was made in the end :sweat_smile:


:laughing: well i thank you,it cut me off,had too wait 21 hours and a i got flagged a few times on what i posted,i asked for help an got constructive criticism.lol crazy i have 25 animals,people are telling me not too mate a 20gm gecko its a juvey not an adult!idk ao far bad experience on here

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If you don’t know genetics it’s best not to breed so I think that’s why it’s been said.

The only reason flagging was involved was because you were commenting on quite a few other threads and was off topic which is why I asked you to make a new thread which is what you did :blush:

Sorry you had a bad first experience! Hopefully now you’ve made your thread and that’s sorted it will be a better one for you.
Feel free to make a thread introducing yourself and show off some animals of yours, and you’ll see how lovely and welcoming we are! :relaxed:


Thank you so much,yes eventually i will get to all my rept/animals but for geckos mine are high yellow,"pale/yellow stripe"reg,i have a Blizzard raptor,what i showed was my biggest n thats just a reg wild because he/she is just so beautiful,my Diablo Blanco is a baby so im leaving her/him alone…your very nice appreciate your invitation!


Well there called bands not stripes


See we need more appreciation for the ‘normals’ that’s for sure. We used to have one and she was so pretty :blush:
A friend breeds Leo’s, I really love the blood tremper and tangerines too. If you look at @welshmorphologys portfolio you’ll see she has some lovely Leo’s you may like too :grin:
Oooh can’t wait to see some yellows :laughing:


Sorry your experience hasn’t been great. But hopefully it will just get better :crossed_fingers:

I don’t have Leo’s so I haven’t commented. They are awesome pets though :blush:

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Your welcome here about any reptile/animal im 31 i have almost all :laughing:…make my life very content,what do you have btw?