2021 Hognose Clutch!

She slugged out both clutches this year from when I originally posted this thread, but I posted another thread recently about her becoming gravid again and laying more slugs.

Unsure what triggered her to go through another egg cycle, but I’ve paired a male with her after she laid the slugs to hopefully produce some healthy eggs on her second clutch… but I don’t have high hopes for that since she hasn’t had the best track record thus far with laying healthy eggs


Have you tried breeding her to a different male to see if the male is the issue?

She was paired to the same male both years, so yeah I’ll be trying a different male once my two others put on more size. Probably my snow male once he hits 50 grams.


Is she laying slugs even without being paired with a male? I was thinking maybe a break from breeding may be beneficial to her long term health and ability to produce healthy clutches.

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She was paired in early 2020, laid 7 healthy eggs 4 slugs, hatched 6 babies because I dropped the egg container and accidentally killed one. Second clutch was all slugs. This time I had brumated them for a month in a fridge set up.

She was paired again earlier this year, giving her a year off, and then laid all slugs both clutches.
This time I had tried a different method, just unplugging their heat for the same period of time as the year prior.
We also had a oil reservoir type heater in the reptile room during this time, and it might have been too close to the front of the rack I was keeping them in.

I don’t know what triggered her to lay eggs again this past month without being paired to a male. I didn’t want her to lay now, I was planning on brumating her and my other breeders later this month until Christmas, then start pairing. I’m fine giving her the year off, I would never intentionally overbreed my snakes like that!

4 clutches total 3 were slugs between 20 and 21 seems like it would be a bit much on a young female. But not much you can do if she’s laying slugs without even pairing.

I don’t know her exact age though, I got her as an adult. I don’t think she was a proven breeder though before I got her, I don’t actually remember if the breeder specified or not.

I plan to give her a break after this and probably try breeding her again in early 2023… provided she doesn’t egg herself again :woman_facepalming:t3:

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