Super Palmetto?

Hi. I’ve got a friend who’s pretty new to corn snakes. And he’s looking for a quick way to get into palmettos. He’s got a blizzard female and was asking me some questions. I told him if he bought a male palmetto he’d get babies het for Palmetto, or not visually except for a slight hypo look. But he found, and showed me, a bunch on MorphMarket being sold as “super” palmettos and according to the MM Calculator, their babies are 100% palmettos no matter what they are bred to. This is new to me. Am I missing something. I want to find out true facts on this so I can go back and tell him yay or nay before he buys it. Thanks


Basically MM is just catching up with the genetics, since Palmetto is an Incomplete Dominant morph. So a “Super Palmetto” is what was previously referred to as just Palmetto, the white snake with speckling. Single gene Palmettos are what used to be called “Het Palmetto” or those Hypo-ish snakes you speak of.


Thanks. It’s probably just me, but it seems misleading to refer to the non-wholly visual ones as palmetto. Seems they should refer to it as incomplete palmetto or something LOL. Anyway I’m letting my friend know that what I told him holds true. Again thanks.

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Honestly, I agree, as do others. It’s made much harder by the fact that the single-gene visual is easily masked by other morphs, making labeling offspring from a het to het pairing almost impossible at times. However, if this is how they want to list them officially in regards to the genetics, gotta go along with it I guess. Best of luck to your friend! I have one of the girls you produced, actually hoping to prove her out as single gene palmetto if she’s big enough next year.


Thanks for the reply. That is exciting that she’s close to breeding age :slight_smile: . I was forced to dispose of almost all of my collection last year. I kept 3 corns and 2 bps. I hope to be able to get back into breeding next spring. I don’t have the room for the large collection I once had though so have to pick and choose my projects.

Please do post pictures if she gives you a clutch next year.

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I saw you sold most off, I hope life is at least a little more stable for you now. Sometimes scaling down allows to really focus on passion projects, hopefully your restart goes exceedingly well!

I will most definitely post if she does, I’m truly looking forward to breeding her to see what I get. She has got the single gene look. Here is a somewhat recent (May) photo of Sylvie herself: