36 days and not eggs

36 days after prelay shed… And no eggs. Is possible? Is normal?

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I’ve had them go 47 days and have two prelay sheds, so just be patient


Really? I didn’t know something different from the “classic” 30 days and 1 prelay shed

Are you sure it was a prelay shed? Like said, not always 30 days. Ive had them go anywhere from 25-40 days.


Honestly at this point I’m not sure 100%…now I have some doubts after 36 days… Anyway thanks your message I know than I have to wait more days. Thanks

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Mine are usually around 40 or more

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While there is typical, there is no definite. It was beyond a doubt an ovulation because she looked like she had swallowed a small football. She shed once about 17 days later, and then again about thirty some days after that and then laid 8 really nice sized eggs on day 47 following the first prelay shed.

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Why more than 30 days? Maybe the temperature range or stuff like that? What do you think?

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I’ve had females go near 60 days. Most average around 35 days.


The whole “30 days” thing is a rough estimate based on what people have seen form years of breeding. It is not an absolute number. As has been noted by other breeders here they can, and often do, take longer. In all of my years of breeding I think I have had maybe one animal lay at 30 days. All of my others have taken 35-40 days.

I would just maintain things and keep an eye on her. When she is ready, she will lay.


I stopped thinking that was a rule! I think I can count on one hand the times a female laid on day 30. Mine always seem to be between 35-40 days.


Just had my 1st clutch of the season pip tonight. Here we go!


Please add pics :heart_eyes: