A Little Help With ID Please

I know this is a long shot and I also know I need better pictures, but would anyone mind taking a guess as to this hatchling?

Pairing was a Pastel Butter Enchi x Pastel Disco YB - not the smartest pairing admittedly, as majority of these incomplete dominant genes can be subtle, in my opinion.

My best guess - IDK - S. Pastel Butter Disco…

Regardless, I thank you for your time and any assistance you might be able to provide.


Butter Disco Pastel YB


@t_h_wyman Thanks for the reply! May I ask what you see that signals YB is present? When I check along the belly, i don’t see the characteristic visual ques.

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Butter and Disco and Pastel would pretty much result in a totally clean belly so using that alone to ID YB would likely fail

The colour and “texture” of the flames is the main factor for me

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