Ability to filter out Imports [DONE]

How you stated it can have different interpretations. The one about eating I thought would be kind of loose and come down to sellers honesty (which it could also be reworded as “has taken 5 consecutive meals in captivity without refusing”). “Fully established in terms of husbandry” can have many different interpretations. You would need to have something solid to actually state that. Fully established husbandry wise can mean not refusing food (which falls under the feeding category), not getting sick (visually), the last shed was complete, layed a clutch of eggs, the classic “it ate so it must be happy”, etc. It all falls down to the sellers honesty which is why you will need a baseline that can only be interpreted one way.

For the record it was one more word. :upside_down_face: :crazy_face:


Mayhaps, but an honest seller would interpret it in the appropriate manner

This is the case regardless. We could define it down to the minutia and a dishonest seller would lie to suit their own ends.

One is still more
:rofl: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :rofl:


At the end of the day it would depend on whether or not the seller lied. However there is a difference between a seller who tries to get the most dollar value out of their items and bends the rules to fit their needs and a liar who would say it’s a LTC no matter if it actually is or not.

If you want to be technical:

More words is more than one. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face:


:popcorn: :smiley: Fight!

No, don’t.

I adore pedantry, thanks for the chuckles, kids.

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I totally agree. Im sick of opening an ad and seeing “imported”. Its such a waste of my time when i am only looking for CBB.