Yes and yes! I often feed in a dark room, and I’ve also left live pinkies/crawlers overnight
She might be staying away from the heat on purpose because she is too warm and also she has nothing in her belly to digest.
Don’t get too down about this! Once you figure it out you will be glad you switched to boas! You just have a prima Donna style little girl!
Going to be trying a live ASF tomorrow night, and if she’s not interested I’ll try again in about 10 days! I’m hoping this does the trick though, because I really want to start handling her so she’s not this defensive when she starts to get big!
Have a WONDERFUL update!!
She’s eating by herself!! I threw in a live ASF hopper, and despite the bin change being two days ago and the stressful car ride, she went for it immediately! So I’m going to be ordering some frozen ones for her to try
Yes!!! You outlasted her lol . You got this @artisticserpents!
I was getting ready to throw in the towel!! So glad her not eating was just her being picky!! Now to start taming her down before someone loses a finger
Maybe try something a little more lively like a fuzzy
Something that’ll move around to catch attention
Great work!
Yaaay! So glad she finally ate for you, that’s awesome. I’ll admit, given how food-motivated my boa is, I always find it a little surprising when I hear about a boa who’s a stubborn feeder, but I know it happens. Good on you for persevering and getting her to eat!
My very first boa about 5-6 years ago was also STRICTLY live ASF, which I found insane and I always seem to forget about that! I rehomed him due to not having local ASFs, and then my second boa has been a BEAST. Anything moving. A hook? Sure! Her water bowl? Why not. A piece of bedding she moved herself? Delicious and then this lil brat who hopefully won’t be ASF only
That’s crazy that you’ve ended up with two fussy boas who defy the good-eating-boa stereotype! Hopefully this new girl will settle down and turn into a chill, reliable eater.
I’ll definitely keep updating about her until she’s finally switched to FT rats! I also find it odd I’ve had 2 fussy boas