Animals you’re scared of

I had Lymes as a kid, during a family vacation too. didn’t have any energy to do anything, they had to push me around in a stroller (I was not a little kid lol)


Oh I forgot that I am also scared of showgirl silkies. Which is funny because I love turkens


I really really wanted to get a buff showgirl today but sadly couldn’t :frowning: I think they’re soooo pretty


Wasps,yellow jackets, flying things that sting (ever seen tarantula hawk wasp :scream:) i have a little arachnid fear, but i will set them free and even keep tarantulas in my house.


My opinion only here: spiders are the most horrible things on this planet. I absolutely hate them. Of course my son is even more terrified so guess who has to remove them. Yea.
Nope scratch that. Roaches are worse. I also have a full on phobia of roaches. Why the heck did i get a gecko? I am finally able to make myself feed him those sweful things. I have developed a mild tolerance to Dubia but absolutely forgot about common cockroachs. Even thinking the work made me break out in a cold sweat.


To everyone who doesn’t see earwigs as the cute little guys they are, enjoy.


Buff showgirls I actually don’t mind. Just pretty much any other kind and I don’t feel right lol. They are freaky little monsters who want to eat my soul.


Back in The Stone Age when I was a youngin, I dreaded the June bugs which actually showed up every June. They were green (not brown) hard shelled little bugs with sticky legs. They were flying everywhere and seemed to literally come from out of the ground. Sometimes we would tie a string around one of these disgusting bug’s legs and watch it struggle to get loose, which sometimes it did.

And of course there were the giant “tobacco” spitting grasshoppers covering the yard spitting brown juice as if they had itty bitty Skoal packets in their mouths. Kinda made going barefoot a turnoff for me.

Another summer nuisance was the Yellow Jacket, Wasp, Hornet, Mud Dauber, or whatever you wanted to call the giant flying stinging insects. Actually the Mud Dauber built its nest out of mud? Or something similar. The Wasp/Yellow Jacket/Hornet created its nest to resemble a honey comb from what I remember. I can’t believe we kids played outside all day in the summer among all these awful creatures and thought nothing of it. Of course kids shows didn’t run 24/7 and there was no internet or central air so it was fun in the sun with the bugs.

And btw, those were NOT the days! :joy:


Not extremely common, thank God, but BEDBUGS!!! I was living in an apartment complex years and years ago and the neighbors graciously shared them. They bit me like crazy, and apparently I am allergic to them. Welts 5 inches in diameter and an itch 100x worse than any mosquito bite. I moved a month later. Everything in the trash. I slept with gloves, pants tucked into my socks, hoodie tied up as tight as I could manage, and sprayed myself with bug spray (yeah I’m sure that was great for me).

Ticks, spiders, huge mosquitoes, roaches…I could go on and on, lol