Are albinos almost blind?

Specifically referring to forms of albinism with red eyes, I’ve heard conflicting information about the quality of their eyesight in comparison to their non-albino counterparts.

What’s your take?

From what I can tell, my albino striped black rat snake can see perfectly fine (she doesn’t just react to movement). She reacts to me outside of her cage just like my other colubrid and can even see fine in a dark room. She can also see fine outside in the sun. I have heard that albino American alligators are unable to see well though, but their eyes are the lightest eyes I have seen on albino animals and look more like pale yellow. Maybe the reason my rat snake can see just fine is because her eyes aren’t the typical albino eyes (they are pink/cream with flakes of red do to her coloration/pattern). Here is a picture so you can see how they look.

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Here is a video that mentions albino alligators being vision impaired. Skip to 3:52 for them to mention it.


I don’t think neither of my albino hognoses have any issues seeing. They never hesitate to huff and puff at me when I open the tub :joy:
Sunfire will bluff strike me, Mango does the same but will also hood up at me.


I have a raptor leopard gecko that has problems seeing her food but other than that she can see perfectly fine even with her albino eyes.

Here are some pics

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A post was split to a new topic: Leo questions

Albinos can have poor eyesight, but not always. It has to do with how the lack of pigment cause the eyes to develop improperly. I have a few albino rats. Two of them sway back and forth when they are looking at you. They do this to try and see better. It kind of freaked me out at first. The others have no problems.

The thing about reptiles is that eyesight is often the least developed sense. If a ball python was having a hard time seeing, I’m not sure I would detect it. They use heat pits and smell much more.