Black Axanthic?

For comparison here she is in normal indoor light

and with the flash the day I picked her up

What seems notable to me is there isn’t any yellow on her at all, just different depths of browns. But I didn’t name her ‘Risky Business’ for nothing! If I come up with anything in looking into breeders I’ll be back with an update. And honestly even if she’s normal I am so thrilled with her temperament. It wasn’t why I got her but if she stays this chill and I can bring her to some of my photoshoots after the plague passes I’ll still consider her a good buy.


So happy that you are still thrilled with your decision. In my opinion it shows alot that the person is still happy with the animal even if it wasn’t exactly as described and in the end all that matters is that you are happy with her. keep us updated!


Yep I’d have to agree. That’s a dark normal.
The original pictures she looked much darker and more like a black axanthic. I don’t see how the person you bought from made her seem so dark, that’s to bad.
I’m happy you’re excited with her, you have good spirits staying positive! She’s is beautiful tho even for a normal.


He’s stunning


How the heck did they make it look so dark before? I’m not familiar with technology very much, can people photo shop pictures to darken them like that?


Hate butting in but i just want to look out for you and let you know that we cannot disscuss breeders names or any details that would lead back to that particular breeder.


yeah its sad and morally wrong to do that in order to just get more money for said snake but its actually surprisingly easy. I have a friend that is a photographer and is very good with Photoshop and he or anyone somewhat familiar to that software can edit a picture while still making it look untouched in just a couple minuites.


That’s crazy. Definitely looked like the black axanthic I worked with the one time.
I knew people could pull off some crazy stuff with photoshop but I didn’t know it was that easy. That’s a shame.
Thanks for the info Nathan.


not enough lighting, the spectrum of whatever lightbulbs she used, other colors around the room affecting the light, poor camera, possibly some adjustments to the saturation and tone in post… If she did intentionally mess with it it was actually pretty clever to have them look like just bad photos, because you’re less likely to think that someone who has ‘bad photos’ has the skill or inclination to alter them.

@nathan_e Thank you, I’ll rescind that, don’t want to be breaking rules!


no problem! forgot to add that you can obviously talk about whatever in the PM’s and it only becomes a rule breaker once you talk about a breeder here on the public reply.


That was my exact thought.


I didn’t want to keep adding to this or get off topic but if you wanted to you are definitely entitled and in the right to at least ask for a partial refund of some kind or if possible ask for another snake on top of the one you already have to make the transaction fair because you said she was asking 800 and your girl is worth about 250 max as a normal. its just a thought but in the end it is your decision and i just wanted to make you are aware of it.


Glad she’s in a home that will appreciate her.
Here is a pic of a Black Axanthic hatchling next to a Normal.


Wow the difference

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LOL, with Photoshop one could easily make the snake in the picture orange and purple. Making it darker could be easily accomplished.
Snake and Photoshop nut.


Awesome news, while I was debating what to do (and honesty busy and distracted with other life things) the seller saw this thread and reached out to ask how to make things right as the consensus among People Who Would Know is that she’s a normal. So we’re working something out and my faith in humanity has gotten a little boost. Thank you to again to everyone again for your feedback and advice.


That’s really good news! I’m happy they reached out to you, sometimes people will take the effort to make things right. Nice to see things like that can still happen.


Super happy to hear! Really glad that this person is taking responsibility for a mistake and making it right.


That’s amazing news! I was one of the optimists earlier in the thread, but even I would have said this development is crazy. This makes me feel better about the world and this community here. Very cool!