Breeding siblings together?

I’ve seen a couple of breeders continually inbreed albino corns with zero issues for 30 years. Never a new animal from outside added. I didn’t say animals were sedentary in the wild, but they do den in the exact same locations every year in my experience. I get there are large range distributions but wouldnt those outlying population just keep spreading over time with increased population numbers? How about the Manitoba garter snake breeding. That area of the garter snake mass breeding isn’t very large at all and there are thousands of snakes mating together in a giant mass. Doesn’t seem like too much outside interference from new blood.

Just from my personal field experience, snakes don’t travel far at all in most cases. Just ask any legitimate graybanded king keeper about localities. The serious guys won’t breed animals that weren’t found on the same rock cutting.

Doesn’t that depend on the strain of mouse. I’m not sure how many there are but I know it’s quite a lot. My buddy that has done rodents for so long also worked in a research lab for 20 years, where his wife still works. He was told by Lily not to outcross because his strain was developed for high yield production and having adult mice at 60+g.


In my personal experience with snakes, they don’t stay put, as there is never consistently food in one spot year after year. Let’s say you have a severely inbred population, and you accidentally bring in a bacteria, virus, or something similar. If one dies, chances are others will as well as they don’t have enough diversity to have a shot at overcoming it. That is my understanding of how biodiversity effects the overall health of a population. Then again, I did learn my understanding through a video game called Niche that is based on real genetics, so maybe I am wrong. I just remember very clearly in the game, if you inbred your creatures and illness broke out, it was game over if you didn’t find new genetic materials to work with. I lost the game because it a few times.

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I was told that you could breed siblings together, or son/daughter back to the parents. However after you breed two siblings together you need to introduce new blood, or there could be issues.


You can can absolutely breed for traits like litter size and adult size without completely homogenizing your mouse colony through inbreeding. Pretty much anyone who breeds feeders is probably doing that by default and getting rid of poor breeders, slow growers, etc and not keeping them as part of their breeding program. You can apply selective pressure to a species without making them fully inbred. I was looking up mouse lifespans and it seems like in the wild they can live up to five years, although it’s usually less due to predation, and ~2-3 years as pets. Meanwhile I can assure you there are no mice in my (laboratory) colonies that are making it to 2 years. I usually euthanize at the 9months-1yr mark for my breeders because they get old, and frail and sad

Anyone who has ever lost a ball python in their house can easily attest that these guys can really go the distance if they want to. While I have no doubt that there is inbreeding occurring in the wild, there is plenty of opportunity for genetic diversity. Breeding back to a sibling/parent here and there is very different than perpetually linebreeding to a high degree of consanguinity. Biologically, genetic diversity is in a species best interest.


Taking that into consideration I don’t think 95% of hobbyists have to worry about outcrossing.


I was using that as kind of an extreme example, because it takes 20 generations of brother/sister matings to create a fully inbred mouse model, but even a few generations of inbreeding will create a pretty high coefficient of inbreeding.


There’s equations to calculate heterozygosity/homozygosity based on inbreeding coefficients so you could sit down and calculate after how many generations what % of the genome is likely to be homozygous (this is generally a bad thing), I just don’t have it in me to do it right now. Population genetics is not my favorite :joy:


But considering the original question was one generation think were all good lol.


Oh yeah, definitely. :+1:

I missed out on the original question and jumped in when people started saying inbreeding was a good thing


I don’t think anyone in this conversation is saying inbreeding in the constant generations as some have posted about is a good thing.

The subject started on asking if sibling to sibling is ok to produce viable offspring.
I think we all can agree that inbreeding the same line over and over for countless years without adding any new blood is not a good thing.
Inbreeding sibling to sibling has no health issues unless you’re talking about a specific morph, ex. Black Pastel.
As @osbornereptiles mentioned and I think most in the hobby know this, most if not all the recessives we have in the hobby come from inbreeding.

To take it to the level that we have to discuss inbreeding over and over in the same family line is a little much. I think everyone with common sense knows that eventually you will produce deformed hatchlings doing that.

And I’m not trying to attack you personally Hilary, just using that quote to explain a side.


I definitely get that, there were just several comments about inbreeding leading to a “genetically stronger animal” when we know that isn’t the case. A pretty animal? Sure. A healthier/stronger animal? No

Obviously the conversation spiraled beyond just breeding siblings, which I think most people are fine with

I hope so, my faith in the scientific literacy of the average person is little shaken this year, so I’m not trying to beat a dead horse. I just genuinely don’t know what people do and don’t know


So if you inbreed one generation two siblings from a line with say a stronger immune system would they not produce offspring that have stronger immune system?

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Inbreeding in feeder rodents

Actually the immune system is one of the most vulnerable systems when it comes to inbreeding because it requires diversity of MHC genes.

Inbreeding and effects on the Immune System
How does Inbreeding effect the immune systems of animals
Inbreeding and the immune system: unintended consequences

However I totally get what you’re saying and acknowledge there may be traits that you want to keep in the collection beyond just the morph (maybe clutch size or something like that) and inbreeding may be the easiest way to keep that trait in your collection.

I don’t know anything about ASFS or their breeding so hopefully someone can jump in and answer this one


A post was merged into an existing topic: Inbreeding in feeder rodents

I was just picking a random trait! Guess I picked the wrong one lol. I never claim to be a geneticist so I always appreciate yours and Travis’s input. Always trying to learn!


Thanks very excited about this one, I’ve seen this pastel enchi combo paired with other morphs and loved the results!

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When I get to the point where I am raising BP’S. I really won’t feel comfortable with breeding siblings together out of a clutch or breeding daughter to sire or son to mother.
I was always told this was not a good thing. No matter what kind of animal it is. So I myself would rather sell the babies from the clutch or trade with someone to get another BP that is not related to keep my project going.
I guess I am old school. I never did that with horses when I raised them. Some people would. Everyone has there own way of doing things. I just want my collection without inbred animals in it.

Is this going to be impossible to do and get the results that I want? I do not know. That is the question I will ask you guys. Will it be impossible?


So long as you don’t discover a new gene, it won’t be. Only thing it could do is cost more in the long run. Not the worst thing given it will provide the healthiest stock for breeding.


Well I didn’t think about discovering a new gene. That would be a hope i do, but hope I don’t. Would not know what to do with it. LOL, more questions to come on that.
I know I probably won’t ever make a lot of money raising BP’s. When I raised Horses I loved the babies. I’m getting older and can’t deal with the big horses and breaking them to ride anymore.
I discovered ball pythons, all the beautiful colored morphs. I found something that I could enjoy in my retirement years and can handle now that I am older. My brother bought me a Piebald BP for Christmas in 2019. 4 year old.
He is beautiful and very docile. I am doing all the research I can now so I can do the best I can when I start buying more BP’s and breeding them.
Not to make a bunch of money.
Just for the love of the animals. If I make some money, thats ok too.


That’s so awesome!!! What a nice retirement hobby!!!