Can anyone help identify my babies? Parents unknown

New snake mommy here! Anyone willing to take a guess at what my guy an gals could possibly be?
We were told Cowboy(110g #1 :male_sign:) is Pinstripe? Purchased from Family.
Our Bella (73g #2) and Windee (105g #3) both are :female_sign:. We purchased them from petco. When we removed the hyde we noticed there were 2 in same enclosure & hyde. Which is a tad unusual I’ve read and been told But they refuse to leave one anothers side. Unsure if came from same clutch or not. Lable literally said Ball python Female assorted.
Anyways, thanks for at least taking a peek.


#1 is a Pinstripe

#2 & 3 are Normals

Side note, please do not house Ball Pythons together. This can stress them out significantly and might prevent them from wanting to eat, snakes are solitary creatures and the reason why they aren’t leaving eachothers side is because they are possibly trying to assert dominance or they are trying to reproduce.

There’s no way to know for sure the snakes that you bought from Petco are actually male or female unless you have them sexed by an experienced breeder or a veterinarian that deals with exotic pets. Petco or really any other pet store is not reliable for sexing any animal.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Just read a story yesterday on one of the news services that ball pythons can and do cohab.
It was detailed that the researchers made long term observations on multiple animals in a very large enclosure with multiple water and hide areas. They found that balls do seem to like to congregate. Even with appropriate hides for all individuals the snakes would stay in contact and would seek out a common shelter after being separated.
Why not? Rattle snakes are calmer when they have den mates. Still eat. Same for ratsnakes.
Personally, I cohabbed a pair of retics for more than a decade with no incidences. They bred for the first time at seven years old.
I also cohabbed a pair of carpets for @ the same period of time. No problems. First breeding, six years.
I separated for feeding.
That being said, it is best to keep them separate to avoid feeding issues. My opinion.
I’m trying to find the article so I can post a link.


Picture 1 is indeed a pinstripe and other 2 are normals.


While I appreciate any research done on reptiles I still strongly advise against housing them together for OP’s and the BPs sake.

They never stated they wanted to breed BP’s, they don’t know the sex of their snakes for absolutely sure and if they are a group of males & females the risk of them mating too early can put the females at risk for serious health issues. Male BP’s can and will pair at a very young age, and this also goes with the risk of their males beginning to refuse food because they start pairing which is dangerous if they are small.


Okay, as said before, I purchased them together in same 2ft×2ft drawer they were kept in at Petco. I’ve had them less than 3 weeks and I dont want to cause stress if they indeed want to be together. I’ve done plenty of research, asked multiple owners, as well as a exotic professional we all are positive i am doing right.
We have another enclosure set up, warmed and ready for one once we know they have adapted to thier new surroundings. I did however notice when I fed in 2 separate containers the first week they were here, both seemed to face the same direction and attempt to push up against one another through walls. They have never wrap one another nor do they " fixate" on one another.
Also as someone had said before we pretty much knew petco was just there to make money so Both have been looked over and sexed by a professional. Both are indeed female. And healthy. He too suggested i keep them together until they are adapted to their new home. Then we will try to separate.

I do appreciate everyones input. I hope me explaining ‘our’ situation with the pair eases everyones mind that we do indeed tend on separation just not to add any stress.

Thanks guys! You all are absolutely amazing here.


There is a 30 gene panel test on MM for $130 if you really want to know if there are some genes hiding in those normal girls.