Can you contact breeders about care for a reptile your interested in

Looks like you got the jist of it:).

What I will say is that this sort of thing is exactly why this community forum exists. Every member/breeder here has essentially volunteered their time to help the community. There is no anticipation of a sale, no pressure, and just an absolutely vast wealth of knowledge. When i was just getting into things a bit over a year ago this community helped me (and boy was I a bit combative of their help at first xD) and i got advice not just from 1 breeder, but multiple to just about every question ive had to ask.

To keep things simple, the reason I say this is because while many breeders wont mind helping a bit if you message them about an animal, it can leave a poor taste in their mouth about the interaction. I would recommend using the forum here to get your general knowledge and get prepared for the animal you want, then, once you are ready to commit, that is the time to message breeders on the MM platform. This way you have a whole community of helpful individuals to help you get ready, and then when you are set, you can go right into it and only need to ask them about the specific animal you are getting, and not the breed as a whole. Who knows, maybe youll even find a good reputable breeder on here so you know who you want to buy from when you are ready :slight_smile:

P.S. Once you get the animal, if you have questions or if something seems off, DEFINITELY message the breeder you got it from. All too often something will be off, maybe husbandry, maybe hidden mites, or sickness from shipment and the buyer doesnt know what to do but doesnt want to bother anyone about it because it seems minor. Many store policies health guarantee is only a short amount of time, and if something is off or you are unsure, the sooner you contact them, the sooner they can help you or identify whats wrong. Im not saying theres never a time to message a breeder directly haha.