Central T+ Albino

I don’t have a lot of experience with the Central T+ albinos. Are Gilbert’s and Burke’s their own variations of Central T+, or something else?

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I would also like to know more about the Gilbert Albinos. What country was the original animal from? Are there any pure locality Gilbert Albinos around?

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Gilbert T+ is an albino line established by Christopher Gilbert. Great guy to chat with. He has a website where he talks about developing the gene. He told me he thinks it is it’s own line of T+ albino and won’t be compatible with Burke. There are several lines of CA T+ apparently. Some compatible some not. I’m not knowledgeable enough yet to know which is which, but I think the guys running the morphpedia are working to straighten that out.

The albino looks really nice and bright in the pics, but some of that may be the influence of the lines Christopher has bred. His website goes into it in more detail. It is not locality specific.