Check out nugget! The growth in just 2 months!

My little nugget :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears: does he look ok? Does he look healthy? I’m trying to find the rapashy calcium vitamin to get it ordered for everybody that can use here and I’m trying to find a good supplement by Arcadia for everybody else and to add to all the geckos but I wanna do this right I don’t wanna over do it… since nugget has the right uvb and we’re dusting without d3 do I still need to leave calcium in a bottle top in the enclosure for him? Like that bit of research has CONFUDDLED me all websites say basically the same thing but it’s still different like how many times am I really supposed to be adding these supplements and vitamins to everybodies foods? I just wanna make sure everybody is healthy we even use bottled water don’t really care how “pretty” our babies are cause their freaking adorable lol we want them healthy :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Nugget looks great! I don’t use uvb for mine. I put a small container of Repashy calcium/vitamin supplement in with my Gecko….

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So it’s safe to assume it’s really just a preference thing? We’re an Arcadia household and after all the horror stories from the beardie pages I’m scared to not use UVB (and the correct uvb at that) and I’m certainly not gonna judge anybody for that I know a lot of people do it that exact way :heart::heart: gorgous happy healthy geckos! I’m just so scared to not use uvb …I know their two different species but still like the crash course of beardie care can be super intimidating especially if that’s like where you start out lol and that’s where I started was with my beardie mans :heart::heart: I hadn’t put much thought of any other lizard at the time other than a beardie like I was only gonna have beardies ….6 lizards later :joy::joy::joy::joy: and I know being on here isn’t like the fb pages and I’m very very thankful for that because ….WOW …I do understand how important it is that people do the research or at least enough to know that if you’re going to use these things which ones to use and how to use fhem like have all the basics covered the correct tank lighting and heating and subs -chefs kiss- perfection! As long as all that is ok
And the bebe is healthy and safe and all the things
We all care about here as long as all that stuff is good then :heart::heart::heart::heart: but there’s way to many thing to act as exotic vets when they didn’t go to
School for ANY of that (now personal experiences
That’s different,and it’s great to have information I’ve learned several things recently that I didn’t even
Know!!) but the ones that have like all the wrong things maybe one or two totally right and supposed
To have them and using them and their going around telling others this is the way (sorry mandalorian moment lol) I’ve said this a lot,probably gonna say it again lol morph community has been
The NICEST community! Not one single individual
Has done or said anything to hurt feelings or anything ….you get on fb and the feed is just nothing but memes and horror stories and sad
Stories. Idk how this may sound…but I’ve come to realize there’s ALOT of hate in this world and it’s not just things like another humans race which first of all WTF does that have to do with literally ANYTHING?! Nothing. Has nothing to do with nothing that makes somebody a good decent person …on the pages we’re STILL fighting about the best possible ways to care for our beardies …if we can’t even untie together over how to care for our pets …uhm tf are we even doing? There’s enough hate in this world already we don’t need it here too. Some of us really just want a safe place that we know is safe …we don’t care about these things that others seem to think is just so high up on the importance scale that it’s taken over everything with hate…. We just wanna share what we’ve created with our scaly bebes and I know what I’ve just brought up is like super duper touchy it’s not meant to cause any issues with anybody …got on fb and it’s just the same and it gets
To you sometimes, ya know? Everything I have in this post is really coming from a good place …it just sucks that things are the way they are we only have so many places where solace can be found …

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You have touched on several things here but the main point is that using UVB for your little Nugget it’s a personal choice as long as it is used properly.

This community is geared toward the health and wellness of the animals first and foremost. It’s a great place as you have discovered.

Yes there is a lot of hate in this world. We just have to pray for those who have no love in their hearts……

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It just makes me sad is all … I didn’t mean anything negative by what I commented I apologize if anything I said made anybody feel any type of way because that def wasn’t what I was going for.

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Oh no apologies necessary! What you said is true but there is a lot of good around as well. But again no apologies needed!!! :blush::pray::heart:

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Everybody here has been so welcoming and helpful and amazing! Like I actually get excited to share enclosure and setups because if anything did need to be changed nobody would be mean about it here :heart::heart: there’s nothing but love and support here …wish it was like that in more places

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Me too! :heart:

I can’t say anything in reguards to the diet and care needs for your Leo as I don’t have experience with them.

But wow I love the enclosure you have set up for your little one! Nicely done :slight_smile:


Aweee! Thank you! :heart::heart: I love doing up the enclosures I actually wanna learn how to make custom tanks and backgrounds and layouts for enclosures it’s one of my favorite things to do and making sure nuggets house was packed was exciting! The look on his face was like “ouhhhhhh,AHHHHHHHH…Waaaaaaait,tf is diiiiiis!!” He roamed for hours lol he has 5 hides now tons of cork pieces leaf litter everywhere …. It may not be exactly like how his real environment would be but it is nice for sure :heart::heart: I actually wanna get him an even bigger enclosure and add more stuff I wanna actually make textured items that are safe and add them and make a cool background that he can climb all over

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