Just put clutch 2021-8 in the incubator. Champagne Calico Orange Dream Het Hypo poss Enchi x Enchi. 7 good eggs.
Update: Today is hatch day!
I love the look of that baby. Champagne adds so much
And I 2 that looks similar to this. I love that od cleans it up so much. I’ll be posting a pressed photo later tonight of the whole clutch.
That enchi champagne combo is CRAZY nice!
Wow! The three piece of champagne awesomeness! Those are some the nicest enchi champagnes I have seen!
I really love Champagne stuff
Beautiful clutch
Those are pretty babies. Really chunky and healthy looking.
All shed! I would like opinons on calico, enchi, and od please. Odd suck for me 6:1.
@saleengrinch here are those champagne… lol
Lucky number 7!!! WowZers!
Absolutely one of my favorite hatchlings I’ve seen this year! Excellent work top shelf!
I’d also say that’s super enchi and you have enchi on both sides.
Think so? I got the male as poss Enchi but I never got Enchi out of him in any of his other clutches
Now i really think so lol. Yes I do for sure! I think the other two are enchi though. You can see the difference in the black around the pattern.
His head looks very enchi like! I’ve actually hatched quite a few enchi champagnes. All of my pairings were using a super enchi. So I know all the champagnes from these pairings had enchi. When you start to add more genes the enchi influences can become less and less apparent.
awesome thank you! I’m gonna have to look closer at his other offspring.