First clutch has dropped a couple days early

First clutch ever dropped today a couple days early. 8 eggs no slugs. Now comes the hardest part, waiting to hit the Freeway, lol.

Thanks to everyone that jumped in and offered advice and help with my noob questions over the last couple of months.


:love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture: get in there!.. Best of luck with the odds :crossed_fingers:

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congrats on your clutch! This will be the longest time of your life, waiting to see the first little head pop out :wink:
Best of the luck on your odds.


Cjngrats the first clutch is the most important one, it either get you hooked forever or make you realise it’s just ok and you move on to something else.

Those will be longest 60 days.


I dont help myself with the wait cause I count it down on a calendar and each day just seems to take forever when waiting for a clutch

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