She’s definitely younger than the male and he’s 8 months old, though I don’t know anything more than that. The people at PetCo made it sound like she was basically a hatchling, but since they didn’t even know what morph she was I don’t think I can rely on that information lol. Do you think that weighing her might give me an idea on her age? I know that it won’t be precise, but maybe it can give me an estimate.
Thanks, I’m definitely super stoked to have him! I never thought that I would ever get a BN since they are fairly expensive and I’ve been more focused on ball pythons, but I had a local person contact me to trade him for one of my ball pythons and I just couldn’t say no!
Weighing would give you an idea of age. It won’t be super accurate but it would give you a basic idea. I love black nights! I got a pair for a good price a while ago and I recently bought a mack snow black night. I have a couple ideas for projects with them.
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That’s awesome! Leopard gecko morphs seem a little more complicated than ball python morphs so I wouldn’t even know where to start with projects . I could get a female black night to make more, but I would get tired of just making the same thing all the time. Thats if I decide to start breeding them of course.
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Most leopard gecko traits (like black night) are line-bred. So they are quite a bit different. A lot of the popular morphs (eg. albino, eclipse, snow) are genetic like ball pythons.