Flare's Exotics Show Thread- The Story of How I got Myself into an Expo

I don’t have a ton of colors atm, but I just got like a forest green, an aqua blue, and a slightly darker light pink, in addition to yellow, gray, white, light blue and black. I’ll probably add some to my etsy shop eventually, once I’m not trying to make as many as I can for the show, but once that happens, definitely!


Sweet! I probably will buy one from you :wink:


I mean, if you want you can send me a message, and I can see if we can work something out lol. Might be a bit, but I could probably get a custom one done decently quickly.


Well, I’ve still been hard at work. I currently have 26 large driftwood pieces, and 12 small pieces, with several that I still have to work on. I’ve also been sewing, and have made 9 little axolotls (Honestly gonna be really glad when I’m done with those, they are kinda a pain sometimes.) BUT I’m also making little fish plushies too! Here’s just one of those.

I also have some teeny tiny felt fish without eyes that I am calling “fsh” (Get it, because they have no eyes? I’ll see myself out now)


Ten days until show day! I’m mostly working on plushies now, as I have a pretty good amount of driftwood ready to go. I have one more giant piece I want to cut up and work on, but beyond that I think I’m done with the driftwood.

I finished the amount of axolotl and fish plushies I want to bring, but I’m working on some snake plushies rn, and I want to make a lot of these, because they’re simple to make, and I have the supplies to make a lot of them.


That’s so exciting! I can’t wait to hear how it goes! I have a feeling you’re going to be a smashing success and I wish you all the best! Please PLEASE continue your updates!


I definitely will! I’m going to have tons of stuff from the show to share lol


So much excitement building up to so much more excitement. You’ve put a lot into this. Hope it’s all you hope for!


Thank you!
Lol, I need to get pics of all the plushies I’ve made. I finished my target amount (Ten each of Axolotls, Fish, and Snakes) and I’m making extras that won’t be brought until the second day (in case I sell out on the first day) I’ve also got some driftwood to wash up, but honestly, it’s now just getting the final details done (Like washing my table and procuring a second one.)


Photo Dump! Here’s what I’ve made so far (With some not being shown)

It’s taken me soooo long to get to this point, and while I don’t necessarily feel ready, I do feel pretty good about it.


Tomorrow is the big day! I’ve almost gotten everything done, just need to print out some last flyers, and prep the tank for the snails.


I’m excited for you! Can’t wait to hear how it goes! Break a leg!


Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes! It’s been a TON of work, but I’m glad its almost over (At least the prep is over lol)


Everything is packed up on my end, just waiting to get the rack for the driftwood and the tables.
It was kind of bittersweet packing up my fish, because they’ve been great to have. Love em to death, and I’m sure their new owner will love them too.

This is all the stuff I’m packing up tonight!


All the shoes everywhere made me laugh for some reason :joy:

But I can’t wait to hear how everything goes! Hope you can find your fish a new, loving home!


Dude, there are eight of us in this family we have a LOT of shoes lol
Thanks! I’m going to take SO MANY PICTURES:)


First day is done! Didn’t sell as much as I was hoping for, but I got a few sales. The snails were the largest draw (NO one else had any) but the driftwood flopped, as there were several other driftwood vendors that had better stuff than I did.
I didn’t get as many pictures as I would have hoped… But I did get a gecko. She’s BEAUTIFUL, and one of my dream geckos. She’s a Red Tiger with portholes and dal spots!

This is not a super great pic, but I love her soooo much already.


I’m glad you had some success! At least you have a good idea of which items are really in demand, like your snails! If you plan on doing other shows in different locations maybe you could take note of the vendors that also had the driftwood so you have a heads up on whether or not you might want to bring more or less driftwood depending on if they will be vending? I’m far from business savvy so my suggestion may not make much sense.

That gecko is fantastic! What a score!!


Thanks! It’s going to be very interesting seeing how tomorrow goes. I’m hoping that I’ll sell at least a little but of driftwood, but I think the snails will be a bigger deal, and the plushies.

She is absolutely beautiful! I’ve been keeping an eye on red tigers on MM for a longggg time. I’ve only seen one other female red tiger, and she wasn’t even really what I would call a tiger, so I’m really happy to find a gal.


Day two, and the Expo in general, is over! Man, today was a lot more intense, and I actually ended up selling a ton of driftwood. Not sure what exactly I’m thinking in terms of doing another show, but overall I would say it was a great experience, and now I plan on sleeping for a week :joy: