Gecko morph?

This is my 5 (ish) month old Leo, Crystal. Does anyone know what morph she is?


looks albino maybe?

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ima noob with geckos but that’s my best guess

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Definitely a Blizzard! Maybe blazing blizzard if she’s albino too. It’s hard to tell sometimes, but she looks like she has quite a bit of yellow, which usually indicates a non-albino blizzard. Still gorgeous, but they don’t have that brighter white color. More like snowy little bananas lol. :rofl:


Agreed that blizzard is most likely, but it’s not impossible that she’s a patternless.

When I got her a few months ago she was pure white/pink but has within this past week or two gotten quite a bit of yellow. So when I first got her I thought she was a blazing blizzard but when she started getting yellow I had no clue.

Most likely a blizzard. I doubt it’s a blazing blizzard.

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Blizzard/Patternless is another option i didn’t think about mblaney mentioned. I think they’re called “banana blizzards” too, lol. Very fitting!

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For sure

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