Trying to identify my little guy, i believe hes a jack-o-lantern but he may be a halloween mask / snow hybrid? please help id like to have an idea of how he will look when he grows up!
Without knowing his family history there’s really not a whole lot that can be said on particular lineages like the jack-o-lantern or Halloween mask. Also the gecko is nowhere near tangerine enough even at this size. Snow can lighten up tangerine, but this gecko is still too bright for me to think they have snow.
Your gecko can be considered a bold because of the dark thick markings. It’s a general line bred trait that shows up regularly now. There are still particular lines that individual produce but again, without history on the parents, you can’t claim it.
I would call them a high yellow bold hypo.
They’ll look relatively similar to this as they grow. Some of the darker areas between spots may lighten out or even out with the rest of the color. Some smaller spots may fade out a bit.
Very pretty gecko though! The bold markings and clean yellow look great.