Nice. I really like the kzn locality then you add the t+ and its awesome!
I agree! The pair I have now is definitely the nicest I’ve ever had! There are quite a few interesting morphs with house snakes now!
Yeah I’m hoping to get several more morphs and some other species.
What enclosures do you keep them in, do you have any pictures of the enclosures? I don’t think that house snakes get as much attention as they deserve.
Right now they are both in tanks. As I get more I plan on building a rack but I still want to have at least my male in a display enclosure because I’ve found they are really fun to watch and are active even during the day. I’ll try to snap some pics when I get a chance.
When I get them originally I was planning on putting them each in a 66qt storage tub but now I think I’ll put them in display tanks and keep babies in racks.
I’m not a big fan sand boas but I do like bis and bcs
Here are the house snake enclosures.
I want to make my males cage a lot more naturalistic and my females tank is temporary so I’m not going to worry about it for her. I will say my female is more shy and I don’t see her as much but she is also younger, hasn’t been handled as much and was just recently upgraded to a tank.
Please excuse the mess, I’m working on organizing.
hey, sorry but what do you mean by bis and bcs?
Boa imperators and boa constrictors
I love those enclosures, have you noticed that they will use vertical space or do they mostly stay on the ground?
Oh cool, I like those to
I’m currently trying to figure that out by adding more branches and stuff and I think they will due to them being pretty active. They also hold on to you really well when you hold them. I’m going to observe them a little longer and probably add more branches before making a final verdict.
Let us know what you find. I was planning on using a lot of vertical space in mine and possibly make it bioactive (maybe not for the first one though, just so I can figure out how to keep the snake happy before I add more elements).
Will do. like I said earlier, I’ll probably make a whole thread for house snakes. Now I’ll wait until I have a better idea of this behavior.
Welcome! I live in Acworth Ga right outside of Atlanta. I breed BI boas specifically.
Cool! thanks for the welcome!
@mattcookreptiles are you involved with the Ga reptile society at all?
I know I’m a little late but welcome to the forum! Before moving to California I actually grew up in Georgia. Mainly in Atlanta and Savanna but I’ve lived all around the peach state. Hope you have a good time here!
Im around sometimes and gone for weeks other times, works a bish haha, but if you have any questions, this is the place to be! Also its fun to have people to share a passion for reptiles with i tend to hang out on the python side of the house, its where i have the most snakes and knowledge haha. Occasionally ill skulk through community threads though