Howdy from Florida

Hi all, I’m probably one of the younger adults here so I’ve really enjoyed reading through the posts of more experienced keepers and breeders. I’ve had a corn snake since early high school and just got a western hognose a couple weeks ago, which seems to have reignited my love for reptiles. Looking forward to meeting new people and hopefully getting new snakes!


Welcome welcome! It’d be awesome to see pics of your two snakes :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the community @themothman!

I found western hognoses to be extremely cute, and may be interested in owning one. How do you like yours? Do you have any pictures of your hoggie? :smiley:

Of course!

@annakirby, I adore mine! She’s the sweetest thing, hasn’t been too sassy, not sure if I got lucky but I DEFINITELY want more! Too freakin’ cute for sure. She’s been a great eater too.

Here they are, the anaconda hognose is Arizona and the anery corn is Avery. :slight_smile:


Definitely in love with your anery corn. I’m gonna be breeding corns soon and love seeing anyone with them. Very cute! Congrats on your danger noodles.


Welcome to the group!!


Hey :wave: from England. Welcome :grin:

You’d be surprised at how many young and erm… not so young people that are on here.

Avery is a absolute charmer by the way.