I have five snakes that have all stopped eating

I would personally try live mice. That is how I got my BP off hunger strikes. Live rats just don’t give the same feeding response for some reason. If you can get some live ASF that would also be good. A vet visit as others have said is also a good plan, and we do need to know what the heat and humidity is. Pictures of them and their enclosures would also be helpful. A vet visit for one as @stackedbp said wouldn’t be a bad plan. Do not assist or force feed though, as that will only cause more problems and not solve anything.


That is a valid point. At the same time I am the type of person that hates when I have a question and people state the obvious. I took the orginal post as he did all the basics and obvious. What I find is breeders pass of their difficult eaters. Maybe my view is wrong or just a different view. Cant stress enough it worked for me.

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What is basic and obvious to you may not be @danielbea122. Without finding out ALL the basic and obvious information you don’t know what they considered to be the basic and obvious things of trying first. Sometimes it is the most basic and obvious things are the ones they haven’t tried, because some people will jump immediatley to the wrong thing and worst case get stuck there. common sense is no longer common,


More great advice. Its great you never had to assist feed your snakes. Good luck with everything.

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Try a few drops of vanilla extract on top of the rats heads. I really dont give a cr*p what anybody says, it works. Worked for me several times.

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Vanilla extract is made with alcohol. That is deadly to snakes and should not be ingested by them. Scenting with many other things would be a better option than that. Mice scenting, toad scent, even tuna juice.


I’ve read people use sardine oil with hog nose snakes. Could the same de done with ball pythons? Just curious.


How long has it been since they last ate?


In theory, yes. Tuna juice is usually used for hognose as well. Scenting with chicks could also work.


Wow… does someone need snickers bar?

frustrated seriously GIF


Right? I don’t even use Facebook. :joy::rofl:


Thank you for the suggestion. I never heard that before and will try it if I ever need to. Good post. I learned something new.

I have 4 snakes (used to have 5 but covid made me have to rehome one due to financial reasons) and live with my father to help him with bills and house work because he is aging and in pain at a constant rate. I have been keeping since I was 12 years old, and research everything about each species I speak about religiously. Just because you have a lot of animals doesn’t mean you know more than someone with fewer. I also listen to seasoned keepers on these forums and make sure not to do anything that could possibly harm my snakes one way or another. Like giving them alcohol or force feeding them when not needed.

Also, @eaglereptiles and @lumpy Mind helping me out with these two?