ID confirmations please

So I have here a couple genes I’ve not worked with before and looking to confirm some IDs on these hatchlings. Any and all input welcome. Pairing was 0.1 Black Pastel, Chocolate x 1.0 Spotnose Clown. In order of the pics posted I believe I have 1. BP Spotnose 2. BP Spotnose 3. Chocolate 4. Chocolate 5. Normal? 6. Chocolate? Thanks in advance and thanks for looking.


No one has any guesses or input? Lol

Do you have a whole clutch picture all of them together? You got a bit of a tricky one here lol. Seeing them next to each other could help quite a bit.


As requested. I have numbered them in the pic according to how they are posted individually


#2 has spotnose, for sure. I’m referring back to some pics of mine as I have all these genes in my collection. I’ll post again with more info.


Based on your pics, here is my best guess. It would be helpful to know about any belly tracks or markings, as well.

  1. chocolate spotnose (head blush and pattern, spotnose marker, less busy pattern than the black pastel spotnose)
  2. black pastel spotnose
  3. possible chocolate single gene (the head should blush out more as it grows)
  4. normal
  5. normal
  6. normal

Definitely no single gene black pastels. They have distinct chaining, blushing, and contrast.

Really nice dark clutch!


So here are the bellies. In the same order as originally pictured 1 thru 6 the “normals” tend to be a little busier around the tail. Thank you for your reply

Yes, the bellies are consistent with what was listed. It is clutches like these that make you wish we had snake DNA tests available LOL. :slight_smile:

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I am curious you don’t see BP on number 1? Even with the same black rings in the alien heads that’s indicative of BP? Luckily those are both females so I’m holding both back anyway to prove them out. Here’s more towards the tail of those two. Again in the same order

On #1 the head tells me chocolate, and I don’t think it is a 3 gene. Only way to 100% tell is to do what you are doing, which is to prove it out by breeding. :slight_smile:

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Agreed. Here’s to the two year wait and fingers crossed for good odds lol

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