Sire is a Fire,Blade, DH Clown, SK Axanthic
Dame Pastel, Lesser, Het Clown.
Im going with pastel fire as my guess. It is not clown, as for blade, i dont know enough about it to accuratelt say yes or no. The pattern looks different, but i dont know how fire and pastel interact.
Looks to be Pastel Blade. The intensity of the yellow would have me believe that it will be het Clown too. There will be those that will want to blast me for stating that there is any visual queues for het clown. However, my experience is that when an animal is het for Clown, they have an intensity in their coloration that isn’t as commonly present in the non het form. I will not stake my reputation on the fact that your animal is het for clown. However, if I were picking through a clutch of possible het clown, and wanted to select an animal that I hoped would prove in the future, your animal has what I would look for.
Fire can have that same effect which is why i thought firefly, but who knows! This isnt facebook, we dont really blast people for believing in markers for recessive genes. Some believe, some dont. As long as nobody is selling an animal as 100% het based on a marker i dont think anyone really bats and eye, but markers can be very useful when choosing who to hold back and some people have gotten good at it. Obviously het influence is subtle and with the high variation in animals, it isnt guaranteed, its still something that people use and can beat that 50/50 chance into a 70/30 success rate. Which is pretty significant.
That’s what I was thinking too.
I also think Pastel Blade poss het clown… but from what I’ve seen, het clown markers tend to be pretty reliable (IMO) and I’m seeing those het clown markets here
I’m saying pastel fire imo; could be blade in there looking at the lower half of the body!
I hit a couple of pastel blades last season.
I thought ill post them for you to compare.
Hopefully it helps
Looks like a Firefly to me.
100% not a firefly both proven parents, were 1.0 bumblebee clown x 0.1 blade het clown
Pics of mum and dad and the while clutch
My Firefly ID was on the hatchling posted by cosbornejr. Sire has fire and dam has pastel.
I think i misunderstood yesterday, when the @mcgoveran said looks like a firefly. I thought he said my pastel blade was a firefly.
My bad everyone sorry, illl put my hands up to my miss take.
lol no worries!