Is there a Term for this?

Hello, I don’t typically post on forums or social media much so pardon me if this isn’t the way or place to post. I’m a little unsure of where else to ask. I have produced my fair shair of Lilly Whites and I am very familiar with the raised lateral scales and have seen/have a few geckos with a few spikes on the side. This gecko has complete lines of spikes on both sides. I’m not sure if I’m living under a rock or not but I don’t know what this is termed as or if it has one. I’m aware of the furred trait, but I don’t know if it goes any deeper than that and it also seems like a pretty broad descriptor. Would like to hear some thoughts, thanks!


It seems a bit like the furry trait, but i’m not entirely sure if this is the same exact thing.


Afaik it has to do with the pinstripe trait. Geckos where it’s extra dominant will have raised scales along their laterals as well as on the pinstripe as usual. I would assume that since LW thickens the scales as well, and it’s still a baby, it seems especially exaggerated. It also seems like your baby is het empty back, which often goes hand in hand with strong pinstriping.

My boy Boogie has raised lateral striping similarly to yours, although not nearly as thick :blush:


He is certainly a special little one and adorable as well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


thanks for the reply and beautiful geck!