Just pastel het clown?

I was gifted this snake from a clown pairing but my friend doesn’t remember the male he paired with the clown female.

I see pastel from the head blushing and know she’ll be 100 % het clown.

What do you see?


Looks like a pastel to me.

I do want to mention it looks like your girl has a large lump by your pinky finger in the 4th photo. I hope that’s been checked out.


I just double checked her and I think it was the tension on her body or how I was holding her while trying to take the picture because I didnt see, feel or found anything like what it shows on the photo.

I thought I was really irresponsible for not seeing something like that, but now I feel more relax hahaha.

Thank you though for showing concern on that.


Hey always better to double check!
I’m totally glad to be wrong in this case and it just being a trick of the photo timing and how she bunched her muscles. =)

I have a boy with a bone growth that gave him a good bump like that, so maybe I’m just more sensitive to spotting it because I have him.