Just sealed in the cork wood flats with foam!

Just sealed in the corkwood flats with foam,so now everything needs to finish curing over the weekend and then m-w one of those days we will sand down the foam to make it even and then we will officially seal the foam to make sure it’s water proofed with the polycrylic and then let that sit for the rest of the week and then it should be finished ! :slight_smile:


Looking good! What are you planning on keeping in there?


That’s for my sunbun :slight_smile: I’ve been promising him this for 3 years and we’re finally making it happen! He keeps trying to climb the
Walls of his tank and there’s nothing for him to actually climb the wall so we wanted to get the backing down first and we want to add some to the sides too but not all of the sides so that way we can still take the tank apart with ease if we ever need to …I just hope he likes it I know dragons are weird with change lol


He’s a lucky boy! :heart:


He is such a good looking healthy guy!!! :heart_eyes: