(Yes,the title was sang to you -you’re welcome or I’m sorrry lmao - so I have an Arcadia jungle dawn LED for my gold dust to keep his colorations I’m going to be getting two more shortly later on this week, we’ll derp and fievel have been sharing the jungle dawn (did some searching cresties can use it also to help with their colorations also if that was wrong somebody please tell me) but I mainly want these for when we go fully bioactive for plant Growth - but uhm …this freaking LED works! Derps colorations are showing like inside his tank it’s hard to tell but once you take him out of his tank on his head in spots there’s that kind of rust color coming in on his head …am I tripping ??? I know it’s not visible in the pics idk why I added them lmao but the google pic is for the rust color that’s coming in on his little noggin well his big ole head

I love his fat head ahhhhh creatie heads

ok sorry im done lmao- but anyway so am I right in assuming that the LED is in fact doing its job and bringing out more of my little derps colors? And also he’s getting like gray/white on his feetsies so I’m assuming a shed is upcoming (dart gets like super beautiful and yellow then she gets white then sheds) so I’m assuming it’ll be the same thing with derp ….so I wanna ask probably a dumb question ….so I’m assuming cresties can’t/don’t need a “humid” hide like a Leo since technically their entire home is a humid hide? And also there’s a lady on Etsy from the UK she makes these super cute little pillow things to go inside the coconut hides for these dudes if I’m remembering correctly their made from organic materials ….is it worth getting? Do they actually use the coconut? Or is it just a preference for us? Darts gone in hers derp has climbed on his I haven’t seen him go in it yet …I wanna add substrate to his enclosure to hold the humidity better but I don’t wanna risk infection with how recent the tail
Drop was ……ahhhhhhh ……
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Well no,I lied on the top of his snout you can see the coloration coming in it’s in the top of his head to it’s so pretty
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Some people use humid hides, but no if you’re able to keep the humidity at proper levels, then a humid hide isn’t necessary.
Ive never heard anything about LEDs bringing out more of their colours, only UV, however cresties do fire up and down. Typically they’ll be more vibrant at night, when it’s more humid, and when they’re stressed, whereas they’ll be fired down during the day when they’re sleeping and calm. ’
The gecko in the photo definitely looks like it’s going into shed, usually they’ll get all grey except for around the lip-area
I thought he was about to be going into a shed he’s feet’s is all grey …so right now his isn’t holding humidity at the right temp like it gets there then 30 minutes later it drops because he’s quarantined till that area where his tail dropped is healed I don’t wanna risk infection so paper towels
Are the sub till his little bum is healed
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