I got this ( boy ) from a friend of my son. First ball ive had in 30 years. Lol
No clue what he is. All he could remember or say is he was pretty sure he is pastel, banana and a few other he couldnt name. Possible orange crush. When I got him he was really orange then he shed and looks more yellow. Ill post the pics of him climbing his thermometer in tank before he shed. The others are after. Any ideas?
not a banana 100% this is banana
I didnt think so…lol
Looks like a pastel (could be het pied from the tail tracks but that can appear without the recessive gene too and would have to be proven out) . But better photos in natural light without you holding it would make it easier to tell. Full body shots with head stamp, side of face, and non blurry belly.
Yep it’s a ball python… thats all i got . Shows you what i know about ball pythons. I think the saying is “i know Jack and sh*t and Jacks outta town”
Thank you, will get some more pics😉
I can say that it definitely does not have Orange Crush.
Looks like a pastel from those pictures.
I agree, pastel.
Very pretty ball python no matter what morph he is! Does he have a name?
I agree with the pastel comments! Looks to be pastel to me. Kinda small alien heads with few spots in them has me wondering if there’s a second gene at work but could safely say pastel!
Vibrant color, pattern distortion, blushing on the rear lobe of the head, all are pastel markers. I dont see any orange crush either. Only breeder i really know of working with orange crush is Wilbanks in OKC. If you go to their website you can see how OC looks. It is a recessive gene so maybe prior keeper got confused and its het OC?
I think they may more have been thinking of Orange dream. Far more common. Low expression might explain the bright color and smaller alien heads on this one. but not definite
Trying to figure out how to do this. I tried to add to my original post and i am computer illiterate so bare with me please… lol
These are new pics after his shed. Someone suggested I get some outside to see better.
I believe I was told fire well he said orange fire is where I got confused being new here. ( NOT Orange crush ) lol
Pastel, fire possible het for ?? He couldnt remember and he said there was something else lol…
Im just trying to learn. I love this boy ( or I was told he is a boy ) lol
Oh my goodness he is so vibrant and beautiful! I am just catching up on old postings! Lol!
Looks like Firefly (pastel, fire) and maybe orange dream. I’m no expert. Just taking a stab at it so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Beautiful snake though!