Mahogany yb x banana pastel champagne clutch ID help please!

Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone can help me identifiyng this clutch, the pairing was:

Mahogany Yellow Belly x Banana Pastel Champagne poss enchi

There were 6 eggs in the clutch, 1 female and 6 males. I don’t know if the enchi prove out in the clutch, my guess is:

0.1 champagne poss mahogany (female)
3.0 pastel banana champagne poss enchi (male 1, 3, 5)
1.0 banana pastel mahogany (male 2)
1.0 banana mahogany yellow belly (male 4)

However my camera doesn’t pick very well the oranges in males 2 and 4 they are more bright in person wich can be YB or enchi I really don’tknow, also male 3 has a almost gold stripe behind the head, males 1 and 5 also have yellow spots barely visible I hope you can see them.

It’s my first clutch with more than 2 genes so I’m a bit confused, hope you can helpe me out.

Thanks in advance!


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