Making Backgrounds for Crested Geckos

Really cool! I just started one myself. Do you have any tips for the carving part? I’m having a hard time carving the parts around the backs of the corkbark…


I literally use a sharp knife or a scalpel to cut into mine, can be tricky but nothing else will cut it as well! There’s also the wire brush drill attachment that will work if you’ve got a steady hand, but a pain for getting into smaller spaces!


This is where we are at.
Trying a new plant (the black grass) I usually have it in the garden but I think it’s cool, so hopefully the girlies don’t squash it!
Also going to be adding a fern when I find the one I like. Trying a more planted one this time to see if they will not lay under the corner plants and I can have atleast a couple at the bottom! :joy:
Now to get it inside and add the girls! :blush:


That black grass is sick looking! Love the aesthetic.


That looks great. I’m likely going to get a new crestie Sunday so I might end up doing this. I do have some questions:

  • What kind of gorilla glue did you use? The type and size. How much did you use? Is it just enough to cover the top layer?
  • How long do you have after adding the glue to add the substrate before the glue dries?
  • What substrate did you use on the background, coco fiber/eco earth?

The gorilla glue I use is this…

For the viv above which is 60x45x60 I used 1 bottle. But I did add bark onto the background. If I didn’t do that I’d of needed 2!
So if doing a 45x45x60 you’d need 1.

You wait until the brown glue goes a yellowish colour and foams like above. Then you can add the background!

I use coco fibre, but you can use eco earth or anything else. You can also add tree fern into the coco fibre and mix which looks cool on the background also!


Maybe it wasn’t this post but I honestly don’t remember which crestie post it was so I’m asking here: @ghoulishcresties You said you don’t plant the bottom of the females vivarium. Do you still put dirt down there or do you have it bare bottomed? Or just with leaves for the isopod? I’m building a couple of crestie vivariums and I’d love to know! Thanks!


I still use substrate at the bottom, so it’s all still Bioactive, and I use sphagnum moss, leaf litter, orchid bark etc. And I still add springtails and isopods to them also. They’ve got dairy cows!
As you can see above I put black grass at the bottom of this new one as a trial! Hoping they don’t ruin it :sweat_smile:

But the reason I don’t plant the bottom is because my girls like to lay right beside or underneath the plants and then I have to uproot them! Which doesn’t do them any good at all!
So my male
Vivs get lovely planted vivs but the females get climbers etc! And I’ll be trialling air plants like Tillandsia in one of the female vivs.


So awesome! Wanna come do mine haha