I have a male that is 13 months old and 650 grams. I’ve paired him with 2 different females and haven’t seen any locks yet. Is it possible he’s not ready/sexually mature yet? My other 2 males have had locks with all females I’ve paired with recently so I’m thinking the females are probably ready that I’m pairing this guy with but he’s not? Just wondering what you guys think?
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Every now and then I have a female just refuse to pair with a certain male. Not sure why.
You can try misting the enclosure first. Or taking shed from another male and leaving in the enclosure with them to simulate a ‘rival’
Personally, I give males 18 months and 700g+ before I try to start breeding them. Gives them more time to mature and it’s safer for them to be a bit bigger - I had a male pass away from a breeding injury.
It’s definitely possible he’s not ready yet. It’s also possible he is and the females aren’t, or it’s possible that they all are and the girls just aren’t letting him breed.
Sometime a little night cooling can get a young male in the mood. Keep normal temps in day for immune health.
Yeah he could be too young…