Morph help? Cappuccino?

Hello everybody. I was just trying to get some help with identifying this gecko. He was sold to me no id and I am really thinking he is looking Cappuccino. I know that the previous breeder had capps I just wanted everyone’s opinion.

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Possibly, pair him to a LW and see if you get any capps/frapps. Certain phenotypes look almost identical to capps, so the only way to know for sure without lineage is to look at the offspring. Do NOT pair him with anything confirmed capp until you know for sure :blush:

Sounds good, I should have some HIMxLW eggs within the next few months. I just find the Capp gene so vague lol. I mean even Frapps look like “high expression” LW’s sometimes. I wish, other than a genetic test, that there were sure fire ways to tell.

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Yeah i feel that, but with how polymorphic cresties are, it’s borderline impossible to tell any traits for sure without either proven lineage or breeding tests