My jumping spider is not eating and he has stoped molting

It looks nice! He likely won’t use the hide at the bottom but i like how it looks in there! He will probably be happy with all the cover he has in there too!


Thanks my mum did it and he just finished eating


Looks good!

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Glad he is eating for you now!!

thanks for all of your help he is now happy and settiling in to his new home and has a nice full belly now

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thanks he now has a nice full belly and went he went to his food even tho it was dead because i killed it by accedent he still striked it in the tub i think he was like im so hungrey im still going to eat it.

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That is great he is eating now! Just be careful with crickets as they can kill your spider if he doesn’t eat it.


i all ready know that one but thaks for the help. i put him in a tub and put one in at a time so then he will finish the one he has they has a next because he is feeding of small crickets

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