My leopard gecko

can somone please help me, so basiclly my leporad gecko shes not moving, she just lays there all day, shes not eating i havent seen any poop in her encloser, and when shes just layng there she is in a c shape idk if that normal or not, but ive tried evrething to try and figure out what is wrong with her but no matter what i do it seems like its getting worse and its really starting to scare me

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I would say vet appointment ASAP


As Caron said, this is one of those were it sounds like you need to see a veterinarian immediately.

Now, in order to be able to offer an opinion/care advice until then, we’re going to need to know some things about her/her enclosure first. How long have you had her? What are the temperatures and humidity in her enclosure, and how are they measured? What type of heating are you using? What are you feeding her and how often? Is she given any supplements? Does she have any other symptoms?


if it’s possible to take a photo of her or the enclosure for us as well that can help as well.

But I agree if she’s laying out in the open and not moving or eating then it sounds like she’s not doing well and should see a vet


guys she passeD 20min, in a horrifying way.

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I am sorry to hear she passed, my condolences.

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my plan was to take her in tmrw but today about ab hour after i made this topic i was doing laundry which that is where her encloser is in the laundry room, i had left the room to go and get cloths from around the house and my younger sister came in and had opened her encloser for idk what reason well then she left and forgot to close her incloser well my younger brother who is 6 and non verbal autistic had went in there took her and threw her in the washing machin when i came back i just started balling my eyes out when i seen her spinning around in water submerged i had pullled her out and staryted warming her she came back but was even worse she stayed alive for about another hour or two i sat that and watched her she started to mve a lil then i had went to go to bed then got up to go check on her thats when i found her hard like a rock but she was warm

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I rescind my previous statement, since it is irrelevant with this information. I am so sorry that your sibling was involved in such a way. Unfortunately after being submerged like that, she’d have needed to be taken to an emergency vet immediately to have had any chance of survival. Even then, she likely wouldn’t have made it considering she was already unwell.

i appreciate ur help

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Try to remember the good times you had with her.

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