Need help with picky corn snake

Peace of mind soon enough!


Urp but im dreading having another male tbh. If they do turn out to be male ill have 5 male corns and 3 female


Oh I understand that. I started with a surplus of males myself. It can be a good thing, though, if youā€™re breeding. Genetic diversity. My first year I had two girls and five boys. Things are a bit more even now, but thereā€™s always finding a new home in the future if he doesnā€™t fit in with your plans.


Thatā€™s awesome that theyā€™ll do it for free!


Sure is it make things much easier. Only bad thing is that its at 3pm and I have my last exam that dayā€¦ The exam is in the morning so hopefully they let us go rather than keep us in school for the full day. At worst I could get my mum to go for me


Iā€™m a third voice leaning towards this animal being male. One good thing about it if it does turn out that this is the case, it strongly suggests that thereā€™s nothing at all wrong with the snakeā€™s health since males commonly refuse food during breeding season. Hooray for the vet being willing to check for you for free.


Yea it would make a lot of sense. Alough im not sure of the time they stopped eating last year it would probably make sense to say it was around the same time as now. Alough i did compare their tail length to some of my males and it came out shorter even though they are bigger. They also stopped eating when the place i buy food for my snakes changed supplier although im not sure if that would have an effect?


Whole lotta ā€œhard to sayā€ in there. Tail length and thickness varies among individuals. Although malesā€™ tails are generally longer and thicker than femalesā€™, thereā€™s variance. Sexually mature males tend to be more differentiated than juveniles, though again itā€™s all relative. There are short-tailed males & long-tailed females. Youā€™re wise to get it checked.

As for the change in food supplier, some snakes can be picky about stuff like that. Some insist on a particular supplier. Some only want prey thatā€™s white, or dark, or hairless. Most adapt to changes but some take more work to get there.

Your snake looks like itā€™s in good condition. Thatā€™s a very good thing. Are you going to try feeding again before you have it sexed?


yes im going to try feeding again today on a smaller food size


Sounds good. Iā€™d definitely serve it very warm, too.


should the water be only warm or boiling when im warming it?


I put them in hot bath temp water. Our water heater is set for 120Ā°F (many are higher), so I just fill the cup with hot tap water and pop the mouse in it. You can use boiling water to change the consistency and scent of the prey for picky feeders. Sometimes that works, but itā€™s usually done with babies who wonā€™t feed well initially. At this point with yours, who isnā€™t a baby and has fed well in the past, the goal is to tempt it with warmth and scent. Kinda like when you walk into a house where someoneā€™s baking brownies. Or pizza.


ah ok thanks for the help


Sure thing! Good luck. Let us know how it goes.


Fingers and toes crossed for feeding success! :crossed_fingers::snake::+1:


Still didnt feed unfortunately


Aw, shucks! Sorry to hear that. Maybe the vet will clarify the issue when the snake gets sexed. I know itā€™s worrisome when they refuse feedings. Try and keep reminding yourself that they truly can go for a few months without a meal and be healthy. Yours looks to be in good condition so hopefully all is well, despite its causing you understandable concern.


Yea thats what im hoping. I also only just remembered that they were actually with a male once while i was cleaning some enclosures and it appeared as if they were trying to lock. They were trying to coil their tails and were pulsating. Altough this was probably around 3 months ago. Im not sure how I forgot this honestly


I will note that two adult males, when placed in the same enclosure during breeding season, will try to fight for dominance and it can look a lot like breeding behavior. Donā€™t ask me how I figured that one out. :sweat_smile:


That must explain what I saw then. But we will het a definitive answer about the sex on friday soxwe will have to wait and see