New hatchling feeding

When I come across a hatchling not wanting to eat like this, I always wait a bit before jumping to assist feed. I don’t offer food until a week after their first shed. Then I’ll put a fuzzy/hopper into their individual tub. In their tub they are on a paper towel and have a little water dish; no hide. If they don’t eat the first meal I’ll mark it on their tub and move on. I feed hatchlings every 5 days. If they refuse by the fourth meal, then I will add a hide to their tub. Wait the 5 days, and then offer. If they continue to refuse three additional meals after that, then I’ll assist feed. Now during that time of offering meals 6 - 8 and they still refuse, I’ll change something in their tub. I’ll add clutter after meal six. Meal 7 I’ll add a cold hide, and meal 8 I’ll change substrate.

Thankfully I’ve only had to assist feed 3 animals so far over the course of 4 years. Most of the hatchlings pick up the idea by the 3rd meal if they’ve continued to miss. This is what I do and what has helped me, so I thought I’d just share. :slight_smile: