New owner, help needed

If does happen a relative( has some basic snake knowledge) has offered to house her unit I can get back up here! And Thank you!!

You’re right, my thought process was to get all the stress over with now while I can because either way she is going to have to go for a car ride… I have switched her QE up a bit so she won’t know that she’s being moved…and she will have her heat mat, fresh water and a hide. And her QE will be on the floor of the front passenger seat both pillows around to eliminate bumps and moving around!

Truthfully, I hadn’t thought of that… the shipping label and everything has already been made so I was going to have it delivered here.

Doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ve changed delivery address for a customer after buying the label, so it’s possible at least sometimes. It may come with a rate adjustment though.

I’m betting the seller would agree that it’d be in the best interest of the snake to wait until you’ve returned home to ship. I know I would.

In a few hours the shake will be shipped. So I would say changing the address or day is a little to late at this point.

How she buyer is handling it and preparing for this event, is a good path. Sounds like everything is planned out. Since the original shipping box is not being used, the snake is in a better and safer environment. This is much better then having it be stuck in shipping for another day (as it does happen).

The only thing I would change with the QE during the trip is to remove anything that can shift and hurt the snake. Some bedding, some heat, a moist area, is all that is needed. It is only a 10 hr trip and can move around. No need for a hide or water. The moisture will do for the time and covering it with a blanket will work as a hide. Just check on it and the temperature frequently. Using a human touch less thermometer that also does surface temps or going to a hardware store and getting a temp gun to check the heat will be a good idea. It can be used after the trip to check it on a regular basis.

Good luck and everyone is hoping for the best.


Ball pythons need the correct temperature, fresh air and clean water. You can’t leave them in a box. I suggest you watch some videos about proper care of your animal. It’s good you came here and asked. You’re going to do fine.

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I understand that and I have done an extreme amount of research please don’t think I’m buying a snake with no proper care knowledge… I’ve just never transported one… thank you!!