Opinions on the scaleless head project

It depends on the individual snake. 9 times out of 10 the snake will be perfectly fine and not have much wobble so long as they are kept correctly (low stress and lower temps at around 86-88°F). It is rare to have a snake with a wobble that actually affects them negatively. I would personally rather have a snake that may have a chance to have a wobble than one that needs to be treated like it is made of paper/exposed to higher humidity at a constant rate given the chance for RIs. The only scaleless snakes I am even slightly ok with(would never own one) are colubrids given they still keep their belly scales. Belly scales help an animal move and protects them so I find them having those being more important than aesthetic.

I have a champagne combo and he doesn’t show much wobble aside from the occasional shimmy at feeding time (doesn’t happen everytime). If I didn’t know what to look for I wouldn’t know he has a wobble tbh.

This is Akira, my Banana champagne pastel het VPI. He doesn’t even have a wobble when he climbs and holds his head out. Doesn’t have a head tilt either and is second only to my rat snake in how adventurous he is. He isn’t head shy and seems to like exploring too.


It isn’t quite as severe as some of the others, but it is still present, and does get severe when bred with any other neuro gene in combination (as with all of them). And as for whether you want to breed it, it’s really personal preference. A lot of people say that wobble syndrome doesn’t negatively affect the snake, but I personally, having done all possible research, don’t see how that can be possible. I think it is inherently unethical to breed an animal knowing it may, at some point in its life, develop a syndrome that prevents it from balancing, eating, or moving correctly, however minor. Therefore, I will never breed a neuro gene animal for any reason, nor will I buy one from a breeder.

THAT SAID, this isn’t meant to start an argument on the ethics of breeding neuro genes - there’s a whole thread on that already. There are many people who disagree with my stance on that. And some people have a similar stance to that on breeding scaleless ball pythons, but are fine with neuro genes. It’s just a choice you have to make for yourself and your own breeding program.

I tend to err on the side of caution in all cases. I think scaleless ball pythons are beautiful and super awesome. But I, personally, want to see a long train of evidence that they not only live, eat, and breed, but that they THRIVE before I consider getting into that project. You may discover that the current evidence is enough for you to be comfortable breeding them. That’s for you to decide. :slight_smile:

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Some friendly Advice, breeding is super exciting, but I would start off with a simpler gene and setup just to get a feel and then start working your way up. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not planning to produce scaleless snake for at least 2 years as the male and female I’m considering were hatchlings from this year. I’m going to start with ghi, mojave, mystic and a few others that I will later be hoping to put into the scaleless combo


I completly agree with what you’ve said! I hope one day my breeding can help you either decide to or not to purchase a scaleless snake!

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Just for reference so you don’t end up mixing any morphs that have known lethal combos and kinking issues, here is a link to the known issues;


Thanks I actually have this bookmarked on my pc already but it has some very good information!

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That sounds like a good plan, GHI is a favorite of mine. I like SH as a gene itself, and I always think it adds a cleaner pattern to whatever it is mixed with. Almost like it’s HD.

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Yea same as long as the animal can survive and thrive then let people breed what the want. i just think snakes with skin instead of scales look weird as hell. Some of the combos though are pretty insane

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I totally Love champagne I have a male and he is absolutely gorgeous he is totally my baby i actually noticed alot of the champagne mixes for sale on MM get tons of likes so the demand is definitely there and scaleless happens to also be a favorite of mine so from a buyer keeper collection standpoint that sounds like my ultimate snake a scaleless champagne or albino champagne oh my gosh sounds really clean message me if you hit the odds right or whatever it is you breeders do and hit a champagne scaleless complete scales that would be a dream snake for me

Breathe @queenabigail, breathe! :joy: Champagne doesn’t get enough love honestly. I guess it is because people like snakes with pattern more? Or they just don’t like colors on them. Champagne combos are always so cool, especially if they have a ringer.

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lol :laughing: I absolutely love my champagne fire yellow belly paradox his name is Phoenix :yellow_heart::brown_heart::white_heart::black_heart::snake:

he was my catalyst for bp addiction LOL he has such a cool personality too very smart and curious :sunglasses:


I will for sure let you know if I do! Maybe send me a PM on here so I dont forget tho! First dibs for you might be a year or so tho! Champagne is one of my favorites as well because I love reduced pattern!

Absolutley gorgous snake!!!

Scaleless animals tend to look like raw chicken to me and I don’t really care for the look of it personally. I don’t really like scalelessness in ANY animal though, not just ball pythons, and while I do agree it makes the markings stand out on some species in a cool way overall it doesn’t seem worth it to me. I have heard that different animals tend to do better or worse with it- scaleless rat snakes for example seem to be fine but the soft skinned bearded dragons get cut up easily.

I’m a hairless cat and rat aficionado so I get the appeal of having a cute little mutant around. Even they can have some problems from it but I feel like there’s fewer unknowns with them. It’s easy to tell when a cat or a rat is uncomfortable or suffering but snakes are more of a mystery to laymen and veterinarians alike.


I don’t know about scale less head but I have yet to see a scale less ball python sitting on eggs. Me personally I would invest in more morphs with less physical issues.