Pet store animals

Hey there @kreze! I worked at a Petsmart in pet care for a few months so I know full well that animals do come in to the stores already sick. Guinea pigs were always coming in with ring worm, some of the ball pythons came in skinny, birds came in with feather loss, etc. So I have no doubt that it was likely that your beardie was delivered with tail rot and not noticed by untrained personnel who had no idea what he or she was looking at.

That being said we all failed to recognize the fact that you Already Had done the research to determine what was wrong with your beardie’s tail and for that I apologize. Also you already have an appointment with a vet and that is wonderful! Your original question was could you sue the pet store which we have already discussed.

I hope that you will give us us another chance to help you with whatever you need and not make you feel like you are on trial here, which believe me you are not.

Please please do let us know what the vet says and what plan of treatment the vet suggests. Personally I have no experience whatsoever with beardies so I would probably not recognize tail rot either until it progresses to the very visible stage.

It’s a shame that animals are bred, kept and sold with issues to these big chain stores and then cared for by people who most of them are untrained in animal care who just provide food and water to the animals. Again I am so glad you rescued him when you did, and then did your research @kreze! :heart::pray::100:


:point_up_2: :point_up:
you said it better than I could ever in a million years.


Thanks a lot that means so much and i will give updates after vet visit and I just want to say I’m not mad because I didn’t know I thank god I’ve been doing research and was able to recognize exactly what it was and my next bearded dragon I found here from a good breeder so yea lol


@kreze Ok sounds good! I’m sure your vet will take care of the problem, unfortunately at your expense, but at least you are well informed on bearded dragons now!

And btw what is his name and when he gets well we surely would love it if you would post a picture or two oh him, because as you probably already know, we love pictures!

God bless you dear! :pray::heart::heart_eyes::blush:


It’s a girl and her name is Goldie she is a orange hypo normal scale with blue bars



Oh I am so sorry I must have misread! She is really pretty! I love her glowing golden colors! And the name “Goldie” brings back memories because I had a guinea pig named Goldie! (Back in the olden days!) :joy:

I am surprised you found one as pretty as that at a big box store! Thank you so much for the picture! :heart:


I just realized that I was one of the people who helped you with finding the morph :rofl:
Is this a resent pic? From what I see, there is a chance that that is just the color of the tail. It still does look like tail rot but in the very, very early stages and should be a somewhat easy fix. I can almost guarantee that it will just be a super quick 15 minute vet trip (in a good way). Just wondering what does the tail feel like?

Goldie is a very pretty dragon with an even better owner!


Goldie is certainly a beautiful creature! I don’t have anything useful to add to the discussion but I had to add my admiration.


Thanks a lot


So an update on Goldie after vet visit good news is it wasn’t tail rot. So apparently her siblings took a bite of her tail so I guess this is another reason you don’t put a lot of baby bearded dragons in a enclosure together especially without enough food. Never knew they thought of taking a bite of each other when hungry lol that’s crazy


Oh yea so if I’m not mistaken this is called a nip


Yes unfortunately I have seen dragons with missing toes for the same reason! Actually though that’s great news! No tail rot! Now you can relax and enjoy your pet dragon! :smiley:


Well bust my buttons! This is great news even though it’s still a nip. I agree that multiple dragons should not be allowed to be kept together! Cannibalism can happen in the wink of an eye.

You are doing right by your sweet little dragon @kreze. Your little one is very lucky to have you for its human! Tail rot? We were ALL wrong!

All the best to you and your little one and thank you for the update! And don’t be a stranger!!! :blush: