Pied and what else?

A mom and pop pet store down the road was selling out so i stopped in.I picked up this little guy.He was being kept in horrible conditions.Stuck shed and looks little underweight to me.I put him into a humidity box and it loosened alot of the shed up and I let him crawl around in my hand with a warm damp wash cloth and alot came off.I used a qtip to get the stuck eye caps off.He still has some on him that i will help with when I get back home.
He was advertised as a Mojave pied, Im just not seeing the mojave.I was thinking more OD pied but we’re not to versed on all the different morphs.Any help appreciated.


Awwwww what a cute little feller he is! I am so glad he is out of a horrible situation! I am not a morph knowledgeable person but I tend to agree with you about the OD instead of Mojave.


Dang, it’s too bad about the conditions that your new guy was being kept in! Shame on the humans. Going out of business is sad of course, but basic care like dealing with a shed doesn’t actually cost anything but time. Good for you for getting him into a better situation.

I don’t know about his morph, but his colors and pattern are very handsome. He reminds me of a calico cat. Lol


I think once they knew they had a deal worked with someone to buy everything they just didnt really care.Ive been in there a few times in the past and dont recall any animals in this condition.I noticed their fish tanks looked pretty bad also.Good thing is the guy that bought everything is planning on opening up in another building about 5mins from this location.So atleast we’re still gonna have a store close by


I’m not good with IDing pied morph combos so I can’t help there, sorry :confused:

He does definitely look underweight and dehydrated, but not emaciated thankfully… I’d try to offer him a rat pup 1x a week and see how he handles it. Try to give him a couple 15 minute warm soaks for a few days as well until he gains a bit of weight and gets that shed skin off.


Definitely not Mojave pied.
The headstamp and color does make this little one look to be OD pied. You can always consider a shed skin test to be sure.

I’ve seen issues like that with people selling shop and just not caring anymore…it really sucks cause it’s these little guys that suffer so much more.
Glad to know you got this little one and are working to make things better.
I agree with @cmsreptiles on the care plan


After a few warm soaks, little bit is looking alot better today.All the stuck shed has came off and alot more active.Gonna give him another day to settle in and try a feeding tomorrow or Monday evening if still progressing.


Awww. The difference in him after some care is easy to see. Call me fanciful, but even his expression looks brighter. He taken a real turn for the better thanks to you, @huff10.


Thank you.Hopefully get a meal in them tomorrow and the worst be behind us.


Holy cow Huff! That little guy looks soooooo much better! I am sure he feels a whole lot better as well thanks to you! He is getting a second chance with his new human! He’s a happy camper! You can see it in his beautiful eyes! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


I have several BPs but this is the first ive gotten in this shape.Most have come from reputable breeders and been in excellent health.This little one has already got a special place in my heart.Thanks to everyone who has commented and given advice.


Oh! Just in case. Because he’s a bit thin and we don’t know when he last ate, don’t give him a full size meal. Start a bit smaller so he doesn’t have as much trouble swallowing and digesting. After a couple good meals you can size him up to a better size for him.


Will do.The pet store said he has been eating weekly but I dont feel like he was getting fed weekly.


Wow even his colors are more vibrant… :open_mouth:
I think he will do just fine with a few months of proper care, he may possibly look like an entirely different snake by then.

Glad to see he is on the road to recovery!


Yeah, it makes you appreciate the breeders who take care of their animals before they get to you. And it’s sad because it really doesn’t take much to make an animal, in this case a little snake, feel cared for. Just look at the difference that some hydration and tlc made after removing old stuck shed, hiding the pretty skin of a little ball python. :pray:


Little Bit update As soon as I offered little bit a f/t fuzzy, he/she knew exactly what to do.No hesitation and wrapped and swallowed in no time.


Woo hoo! Now that’s what I’m talkin about! Way to go Little Bit! I am so proud of the both of you!! :clap::pray::+1:


Glad to see that Little Bit ate happily! I’m guessing it was very happily. I predict that in a few months this lucky snake is going to look like an entirely different creature.


I will periodically update this post with new pics and health updates.I have learned alot from this group and continue to learn.Little Bit and myself appreciate everyone and all the advice.