We bought this girl as a possible Mojave. But there seems to be more at play. She doesn’t look very Mojave but several reputable breeders have suggested possible hypo?
I’m not seeing hypo maybe enchi Mojave.
That’s what we were kinda thinking. We bred her to that Mojave yellow belly hoping to get a BEL and prove her. Fingers crossed.
I don’t see Mojave in her TBH!
Several people who are well respected breeders have said they did, Mojave enchi is the most similar that we have found. It doesn’t look very Mojave.
I do not see Mojave in either of them honestly. If several well respected breeders told you then why you asking us?
Your mojave yb male will prove if she is a mojave. You get bels then you know. She doesn’t have the right colors imo to be a mojave, but hey people have hatched out crazy stuff with morphs that don’t look any different than a normal lol. Prove her out see what happens. She is still nice looking none the less.
Different eyes can see different things but nobody else can determine what she may be although they can say it’s ‘not this’ or ‘not that’ which isn’t super helpful. Attempting to prove her and see what she throws and maybe we can pinpoint what she is. She was purchased when we first started breeding just as a female to have. We shall see in about a month what the odds gods have in store for us
It’s odd because my Mojave yellow belly is almost black and the other ones I’ve seen are a more washed out. I’ve never seen one like him either.
Doesnt look Mojave to me either.
That does not at all look mojave I have 5 mojave different morphs and have over 20 bp looks maybe enchi het something possibly.
Maybe Mojave enchi
No thanks I have plenty of mojo. Attempting to prove her out eggs due in a week.