Questions about reproduction

do you want me not to breed them? I do not fully understand everything.

I’m just trying to warn them that if they don’t buy better breeding stock (nothing wrong if they choose not to) then there might be a problem with selling them and that they might want to consider investing in more enclosures for hatchlings to give them room to grow in case they might not sell quickly.

I think you should breed them, I think it’s great that you’re pursuing this, just keep in mind that you could have a problem selling them if you don’t invest in better breeding stock (which I’m not trying to pressure you into doing). If you decide to breed them you could have better luck trying to sell them as pets unless you have exceptional examples of the morphs.

Edit: This is a good discussion about selling that you might want to read through, there’s a lot of good tips and recommendations for selling here


Alright fair enough that’s well said.


I think this is the important part. As long as someone is willing to take care of any unwanted offspring then I don’t see a problem with anyone breeding anything.


Can we try to get back to the op original question please.


Firstly, as most have stated, planning and research is key…I have kept Ball Pythons for years, before breeding them only in the 2020 season for the first time.

I did a huge amount of research, and Morph Market community members helped with advice and info.

To answer your main questions:

  1. Breeding Ball Pythons, different breeders do it differently, it depends on your setup etc. Look at some videos, read some articles and adapt it to suit you. One thing I can say, is never ever put two males with a female. ( I once by accident put a male in with a male and it was like putting two heavy weight boxers in a tub, especially in breeding season.)

  2. Do not mate Spider to Spider, the combo is lethal.

  3. As for which is better to breed your female to, that is absolutely your choice, by playing with the Morph Calculator you can have a look what your possible results could be.

The best advice I was given on this forum, which I will always use, is…breed and keep Ball Pythons that you want and love, it keeps your passion alive and just gets you excited everytime you open a tub.

Hope this helps and good luck!!!


thank you all for your answers👏