What is the temp of the heat tape itself ?
Pull the tub out and take a reading of the heat tape with your heat gun.
So with the thermostat set at 103 the heat tape isn’t reaching that temperature
Is it an on and off thermostat or proportional?
@gregp it’s proportional
Can I see where the probe is now?
Thermostat is high but whatever you need to set it at to get a consistent 90-92 at the bottom of the tub that’s what you want.
If he needs to nestle a little farther down to get to the heat he will. Sorry I’ll read the rest and catch up here sorry I was afk
General thing to remember don’t worry about the surface temp on the hot spot you want the bottom of the tub to be at your desired temp or a couple degrees warmer naturally you’re going to lose a couple as it filters up through the substrate. You’re doing fine don’t panic. These are hardy animals all the horror stories you see online are literally negligent people that don’t care about their animals.
Here is the probe
I don’t think I’m at a point of panic. I know it could be a lot worse and that’s what I think is keeping me calm.
Checked on the temps this morning. Bottom was 84, middle was at 80, and top was at 74. Top and bottom tubs the snakes were on top of their hides and a little behind. These are the babies I recieved yesterday.
Margo in the middle tank has taken her rat this morning. So third one with me so far in 2 weeks even with all the tank issues I’ve had. I know it could be worse if she wasn’t eating so that’s a good sign (unless she’s just a good eater lol).
How does the tub slide on top of the heat tape with the probe in that location. Does the tub sit on top of the probe ?
Yes, the tub sits on top of the probe.
Reached out to the guy who built the rack last night and just got a response;
“Hi, you can tape the probe on the black line in the heat tape or you can tape the probe on the bottom of the tub where the tub sits over the heat tape it takes a few hours for the reading to be accurate”
So I guess when I get home try taping it on the black line? Does the probe need to be completely taped over when I place it on the black line or can it be slightly exposed?
Yes , sorry I should have clarified that. You want it on the black line and completely cover it. Also I wouldnt put it where the tub will slide over it. That could knock it loose and cause the thermostat to over heat. I would try mounting it to the part of the heat tape that runs down the sideof the middle tub so you dont have the tub hitting the probe every time you slide it in and out.
So drill a hole on the back of the middle tub rack, and then tape the probe (completely covered) on the black line on the side of the wall? Just want to make sure I do it correctly >.<
Thats what I would try . It doesnt look like there is much room on the bottom and you dont want the tub knocking the probe loose.
Unless you can do it on the black line near the far edge so the tub doesn’t hit the probe.
Panic may have been the wrong word.
Over analyze everything would be a better way to put it. We all did the same thing starting out, but don’t over think it. I agree you don’t want the probe wedged under your tub. Siliconed to the inside bottom of the tub over the heat tape is best but secured on the back line of heat should be just fine as well. Just again make sure you aren’t taking surface temps when measuring. Take the temp of the bottom of the tubs right over the hot spot because your snake will nestle down as far as it feels it needs to.
@akirby91 I say, we invent a heat tape/pad with a built in thermostat / regulator… and retire. … you would think with modern tech, it would already be SUPER prevalent. But who am I…
I know you meant it as a joke but I’ve thought of this myself and i think the only reason one doesn’t already exist is consumer cost.
A heat mat costs between £20-50
A thermostat costs between £30 - £100 upwards.
A whole thermostat + heat mat unit is going to be in the £70 - £200 price range, will only be useable with the heat source it comes with and adds extra planning when it comes to the wires ( you can’t just take a plug of a sealed unit to feed the wire through a hole/gap.).
Also if the heat mat goes bust so does the thermostat and vice versa.
Buuuuuuut if you work a way around these issues and still keep it safe then your rolling .