Retained eye cap worried

You do make some compellingly points. I reacted harshly as I was feeling attacked on this certain subject.

I would PM you but honestly I’m horrible with technology and don’t know how to do that or even how to post pics.

I apologize to you if I offended you and I can admit when I act like a prick at times.
I don’t hold a new keeper to any standards, it’s all a learning curve. I just wanted to share my experience with that topic, I’ve used tweezers on rescued balls that have had mites. I found that tool to be very helpful around the eye area.
Again that’s just what has worked for me, all keepers should know their limits and as she stated she’s wasn’t comfortable with the tweezer idea. Which is a good sign she knows her own limits.

It is, and I am wrong to be passive aggressive or sarcastic in disagreement, I’m plenty able to state an opinion or criticism without throwing a barb in.

It is rude, and immature. You’re just trying to help and share your knowledge. Thank you for that.


Thank you for your apology sir, and again I apologize as I was brash in judgment towards you. You’re a good person, and the PM you sent me shows you’re not rude or immature, just misunderstood at times like myself.

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Awe yeah,. We’re all keyboard warriors. @mnroyals @thecrawdfather it’s hard not to be mocho or the best sometimes. We’re all learning.


Well anyways thank you to everyone who responded and offered their opinion! I appreciate everyone’s concern with my snake Phoenix he is such a sweetheart and so i made him a humidity box it was so funny took him literally like 30 seconds to hole up inside it than over the course of a day and a half he never left except once to sit on top of it haha went to check his eye at the end and his eyecap was totally gone! I swiped his eyes with qtips and a washcloth to make totally sure! I don’t know if its possible but I believe he got it off himself some how but his eyes are both completely clear now no cracks no density nothing hes alot happier so am I we thank you!

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here’s a funny picture I thought I’d share he took a nap afterwards in a tub with sun shining through the window and he was so passed out he fell asleep with his face all smooshed up looking like a total majestic derp LOL


:joy: cute little weirdo.
That’s awesome that you were able to resolve that issue. I’m happy he’s doing well, nice work!

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