Roaches traits - Category upgrade [DONE]

So, with the request here, we will need to build a trait/locality/species list to start with.

Here’s what I’ve got to start us off, please contribute in any way possible.

  • Lobster Roaches (Nauphoeta cinerea)

  • Dubia Roaches (Blaptica dubia)

  • Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
    • Black Tiger (pure black)
    • Wide Horn (massive, handsomely colored)

  • Green Banana Roaches (Panchlora nivea)

  • Red Runner Roaches (Shelfordella lateralis, often referred to as Blatta lateralis)

  • Dusky Cave Roach (Blaberus fusca)
  • Giant Cave Roach (Blaberus giganteus)
  • Discoid Roach (Blaberus discoidalis)
  • Death’s Head Roach (Blaberus craniifer)

  • Red Head Roach (Oxyhaloa Deusta)

  • Halloween Hissing Cockroach (Elliptorhina Javanica)

  • Shadow Roach (Pycnoscelus nigra)
  • Ember Roach (Pycnoscelus Striatus)

  • Peppered Roach (Archimandrita tesselatta)

  • Porcelain Roach (Gyna lurida)
  • Chrome Roach (Gyna caffrorum)


Added a couple. :slight_smile: Great idea!

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I love this, I used to own a few as pets when I was younger. I would get them from Cornel University. They are really sick roaches.


@eaglereptiles, don’t want to push it, but is it possible I could start a list of isopods in this manner? Isopods, just as roaches, are rapidly growing in popularity as a hobby. I think another wiki of this setup would work wonders for that. :slight_smile:


Of course, please do!

The more of these lists that we have, the easier adding future categories/traits to the database will be.


I don’t know much about roaches but the main species that I know of are on there. I think it looks good.