Was there supposed to be a bottom to that hide? My girl refused to use hers until we took the bottom out.
Yeah, there was, but the hide was easier to use for both me and the snake without the bottom.
Same! I’m glad it’s not just us.
“I no sees them, them no sees me!”
I love that picture I’ll see if I can get a pic of Irwin being crazy
Marmalade is a ham and Sticky Boy likes to show off his “macadamias” I swear just about every time I look over he’s showing you his back end
the wittle snake is so adorable!!!
Omg that’s so me
Reminds me of my navy days lol
That is too funny! It looks like how some dogs lay!
Such a funny thing to walk in on
Sounds like my grandpa lol, an old firefighter, he can sleep like this ANYWHERE haha
Thats the issue, my dog lays like this, and I think the dog taught the leo!
You and me both. Come to think of it, I may or may not have sprawled out like that a few times on top of the reboiler in the dead of winter!
Ah, the “I’m to tired so I’m just gonna stay here, leave me alone position”…I know it very well…